🖤Human Sammy x New Employee Reader 🖤

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(Sammy's POV)

Another shitty day at the job. Mister Drew still hasn't answered my complaint about those Godforsaken ink pipes. He only listened to the other complaints about the staircases getting flooded from time to time and now there is this HUGE lever thing RIGHT IN MY OFFICE! I let out a big groan and lean back in my chair. I'm really not feeling like working today. Always sitting alone here kinda gets boring tho. I once tried working together with Susie in one office, but she only distracts me, by constantly asking stupid questions. Wally once told me she liked me, but I possibly CAN'T love a woman like that. I know women, and Susie is one that'll ask for jewelry, dresses, make-up and shoes. I'm not disagreeing with her about my looks. I consider myself as a handsome man, but I just never seem to be ready for a relationship. Well, time to get back to work again.......... *knock knock knock!* "Oi, Lawrence! Henry told me to get this lady here, saying she's here for the job interview?!" I heard Wally yell from behind the door. 'Shit! That was today?!' I think mentally slapping myself.

(Some time earlier, your POV)

I was walking along the street going to the Joey Drew Studios. I've signed up for playing the (favorite instrument) and Mister Drew invited me for an interview. He sent me a letter that told me I had to talk to Samuel Lawrence, the Music Director of the Studio. I came up to the address that was given me and I saw a house. This didn't seem to look like an Animation Studio at all? I rang the doorbell however. A small moment later, a man who I presume to be around his 30s opens the door. He's holding a cigar in his mouth and he has black hair. "Ah! You must be (y/n)." He says, and I nod carefully. "Yes, I was expecting you! Come on in please." He says while getting inside and I follow. His house seems quite nice as I must say. I see a young girl and she smiles brightly at me. "HELLO!!" She yells from the other room smiling brightly. "Hello, little girl." I smile at her and she goes back to drawing I presume. "Can I offer you anything (y/n)?" I thought for a moment. "Tea would be nice!" I say and he nods.

(Sammy's POV, back to now)

I walk to the door of my office and open it. I see Wally standing there with a young woman next to him. She wore a beautiful brown dress with a beige blouse and a black tie on it.

 She wore a beautiful brown dress with a beige blouse and a black tie on it

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(Your dress)

She had (h/l) (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes. Her lips were slightly rose red and her skin looked so soft! 'NO! Get yourself together Lawrence!!' I mentally yelled to myself. I cleared my throat and spoke: "Yes, why thank you Franks. I'll take it from here." I crooked a small smile looking at the woman. Wally nodded and walked away giving a thumbs up. "Come in please, have a seat." I lead her in and she sits down in the chair next to me. "Does anyone else works together with you?" She asks. 'Oh wow, even her voice is as beautiful as how she looks!' "Used to, Miss." I say, she nods. I sit down on my chair and shake her hand. "Sammy Lawrence, music director. The best one ever known in New York." "(y/n) (l/n), (favorite instrument)-ist." She says. 'Just like I thought, soft skin.' I think.

(Your POV, a few minutes before meeting Sammy)

Mister Drew let me in the studio and told me who I had to speak to. To be seen, I was at the Animation Department. A guy who seemed to be in his 30's walked up to me. "I saw you looking around and I've never SEEN you before around here!" He says chuckling. I smile weakly at him. "What's your name Miss?" He asks stretching out his hand. I shake his hand and smile warmly. "I'm Henry, Henry Stein" "(Y/n) (l/n), I'm here for the (favorite instrument) job!" I say. "Ah, yes! That's one level down here. I'll take you there!" He says and he gestures me to a staircase. We walk down the stairs and we enter the Music Department. I see many people walking around the department. "Hey, Franks! Could you take this young lady to Lawrence?" I see a rather tall man walking up to me and Henry. "Sure will, Stein! Let's go Miss, Lawrence doesn't like waiting, heh!" I wave at Henry before leaving and we walk into a long hallway. After a small moment I see an office with a sign above saying: 'Office of Sammy Lawrence, Lead Music Director'. *KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!* "Oi, Lawrence! Henry told me to get this lady here, saying she's here for the job interview?!" Mister Franks yells.

- 845 words

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