🖤Human Sammy x Photographer Reader🖤

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"Alright (y/n)! You ready for your first day on the job?" Your older brother asks while he makes your lunch ready. "Ready as much as I can be!" You yell from upstairs. It was only 2 months ago since you graduated from college. You studied photography and successfully passed each exam! You soon applied for a photographer job at the local newspaper of New York. You got the job and today was your first day. You were nervous tho, but showing your weakness to yourself wasn't the best idea today.

When you were ready, you looked one more time to your diploma that you had hung up on the wall. You smiled proudly and then left your room going downstairs. "Thanks brother! See you later!" You waved at him. "Go get 'em tiger!" He yelled after you.

(Time skip, on the job)

You walked into the big building and looked around. You were only 20 years old and you already worked for such a big newspaper?! You never got this lucky in your life before. You saw the main desk and walked up to the lady sitting behind it. "Hello, good morning Miss?" You asked and she looked up to you. "Hello, how may I help you?" She smiled. "I'm here for my first day. I had to talk to Mister Flynn Mars?" You said. "Ah yes, Mister Mars told me about you. He's on the top floor dear, room 620." She gave you a pass that seemed to be used for the elevator. "Thank you Miss, have a nice day!" You said and she smiled again. "You too, good luck."

Going up with the lift, you soon arrived at the top floor. 'Room 620.. room 620..' you thought as you kept walking. You then saw it! 'Yes! Room 620!' You cheered in your mind and you knocked on the door. "Come in please!" You heard and you opened the door, seeing an old man who seemed to be in his 50's smiling at you. "Please close the door and have a seat, (l/n)." He said and you did as he said. You sat down and he shove a paper to you. "This will be an insurance for you. If anything happens to you while you're on the job, we pay for it." You nodded and signed the paper. "Now, I suppose you really would like to know what your first job is today, am I right (l/n)?" He asked. "Oh yes Mister Mars! I really do." You answered. He nodded. "A few blocks away from the building is an animation studio. I've heard there are going strange activities on there." He paused for a second letting you make notes. When you were done you nodded and he continued. "You and a co-worker will go there after this talk and find out what's exactly happening. You take pictures and he'll interview the workers there. Is that clear?" He asks. You finish the last notes close your note book and nod. "Crystal!" He smiles and nods. "Good, go to the 3rd floor and ask for Frederick Thomassen. He'll be your partner for today." "Alright sir, you can count on me!" And with that you leave.

(Time skip to the studio)

"Alright (y/n), this is it!" Frederick says giving you a small pat on the shoulder. You smile with much confidence. "You can take as many pictures as you want. I really want to see what you can with that thing after this!" You grin at him. "Alright mister SIR!" And with that you two separate in two different directions. Frederick was interviewing the Boss of the studio; Joey Drew. You found your way through the Art Department, taking pictures of workers, their work and the ink pipes. You later found a giant machine, called the 'Ink Machine'. Lord knows what it's for, but you found you were done here and got to the next floor, the Music Department. "Hello! Who are you?" You saw a woman standing next to you. She wore a red dress, had brown hair pulled into a low bun and she wore black heals. She smiled warmly at you. "I'm (y/n), I work for the newspaper of New York!" You say as you shake her hand. "Oh, you must be here to take pictures of the strange activities here, I guess? I'm Susie by the way." She says. "Indeed, can you tell me what are good things to take pictures of here? Persons, objects? Anything!" Susie thinks for a moment. "I'm not the person to ask for that. You should talk to Sammy Lawrence, but I don't have any clue where he is right now. He either is in his office or in the music studio. Should I lead you the way?" She asks nicely. You think for a second. "As much as I appreciate the offer, I think I'm good. Wondering around is a good thing for finding things to take pictures of!" Susie nods. "Understandable, good luck!" She waves and walks away.

After minutes of wandering around, you finally find an office at the end of a hallway. 'Office of Sammy Lawrence, Lead music director.' A big sign says above a window. "Alright, let's see if anyone's home?" You say to yourself. *Knock Knock Knock!* You wait for a moment. You see the door getting opened and a young man, around his 30's is standing right in front of you. He has black hair, brown eyes and he's wearing smart clothes. He's holding a cigarette in his mouth. "Yes?" He asks. "I'm (y/n) (l/n). I'm from the New York newspaper and I wanted to ask you some questions Mister Lawrence." He nods and gestures you inside.

(Again a time skip)

You made the last notes and closed your note book. "Why thanks Mister Lawrence, that was very useful information!" You say and he nods. "I hope you can do something about this shitty situation Miss (l/n)." You laugh. "I'm a photographer Mister Lawrence, not a plumber!" He chuckles. "I wasn't talking about the pipes and the Ink Machine, Miss (l/n)." "Huh?" "I hope I can see you more around here, or outside the studio." He chuckles as he offers you a cigarette. "Oh, I don't smoke." You say and he nods. A knock on the door was heard and a rather tall man with light brown hair steps inside. "Lawrence, lunch break! Ye comin'?" He asks. "I'll come, hold on!" Sammy says. The man nods and leaves. "Would you like to have lunch with us, Miss (l/n)?" He asks as he stands up, straightening his jacket. You smile and answer: "I'd love to Mister Lawrence." He smiles and takes your hand. You two had many lunches together after that.

1120 Words

(A/N) Since I got some votes I'll try to update more. Excuse if the stories don't make ANY sense, I'm trying my best. I'll try to make some more fluff for in the stories. Thanks.

🖤Sammy Lawrence x Reader🖤 🎵One Shots🎵Where stories live. Discover now