1. Black Moon Madness

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Black moon
Only strip club in all of Mob City located in the heart of The Grove, the ghetto.

Any night was always the same night, a club that's been around for years seen many girls come and go. It was a big night for most girls, amateur night. Glitter had been here almost 5 years. She hated this night usually the manager/owner, Young Ricky, would hire the best girls to work in the club and they would of course only stay for a week enough to make 2 gs and be back to their normal lives. Most of the girls are from the college in the city looking to make some quick cash. "I'm so sick of newbie bitches thinking they know what's up." Vanessa came to the back room designated for the dancers. Vanessa was a young 18 year old fresh out of high school, college wasn't in her path and coming from the East grove trailer park district, it was the industrial part of the grove, filled with gross older men who preyed on the soft supple thighs of young girls. Something Vanessa knew all too well. "It's a routine girl, you been here for 8 months, time to get used to it." Glitter responded as she arose from her seat, her body shimmered from the glitter body lotion and added body glitter, a blue see through bikini top that barely fit with her matching thong and a blue glitter hip holster that fit snug against her hips. Her hair big and curly with blue glitter added to it, her make up simple and beautiful. Being the main dancer she had seniority over all the dancers. Not to mention she was absolutely stunning, it was no wonder some rich man hasn't pulled her away from this life.
Young Ricky walked into the room dressed head to toe with his purple spandex, also looking shimmery with a nicely adorned black curly lace front. His personality filled a room before his voice did, his mother owned Black Moon before him and he took it over. It was originally ran by him and his older brother Nicco who now goes by Nicki but he left to pursue his life in the city in fashion. Leaving Ricky to run a business that despite what some people think bring in the most revenue in the city. "Ladies get y'all asses out there and make some money, got all them niggas out there irritated and horny." Girl after girl they headed out to the floor while Ricky handled the newbies for amateur night. Glitter checked her phone in her locker seeing the 13 missed calls and 27 messages all from her off again on again boyfriend. A relationship she wishes she never stepped into. He would have to wait til she was finished and she thought to herself, there is a reason she had the one rule to never mess with a man from the strip club.

Bass blowing in the all black Escalade rolling around the streets of south grove, the gritty of the gritty. Drug dealers and pimps resided in this territory and even the richest would find themselves lurking for a taste of the young girls found walking the streets. "We got a drop tomorrow in the city." Chris, right hand man of Darnell also know as D, biggest drug dealer and leader of MCG, Mob City Gang. Darnell nodded in acknowledgment to what Chris said, he hated doing drops usually he would get someone else to do it but this time it was different, this was a big purchase of drugs he was selling to someone who has a big name in the city. "Man if this girl don't answer the damn phone." Chris shook his head, "Still listening to t pain for romantic advice." Darnell cut his eyes at Chris, "Adina is much more than a stripper and you know that." Chris knew that and he liked Adina but he knew Darnell expected so much out of a relationship that obviously doesn't work. "And what the fuck do you know? You ain't even got no woman." Darnell laughed and Chris smirked, "You're right. I have women. I'm not to be tied down." Darnell shook his head, Chris always been the womanizer but Darnell wants more. Wants a wife and kids and being in love with a woman who shakes her ass naked in a room full of men doesn't sit too well for him.
Chris however has been his best friend since they were kids. He had all the great opportunities afforded to him, he was extremely intelligent. And yet the streets called to him like the moon to a wolf. They run MCG together and for years things had been excellent. Making money and moving drugs has been a hustle that takes care of their people. Chris himself had a secret though, something he knew he couldn't tell a soul, not even his best friend. They pulled up to Black moon and for what Chris assumed would be only a few moments turned into a few hours.
Sitting and waiting Chris was losing his patience, "Man we got shit to do, what we waiting out here for? If we gonna be here can we at least go in, shit." Darnell looked at the doors to the very strip club where he met Adina, her glittery skin that had him mesmerized like every other man throwing dollars. He fell in love. He hated that she still worked here even though he told her he could take care of her. He couldn't imagine that she actually enjoyed her job.
Glitter walked to the back, after working for 4 hours she was more than tired. Slipping off her heels and sitting down in front of the vanity mirror she stared at herself, she didn't know how much longer she could keep up this lifestyle. She wanted more for herself and she wanted to prove to herself that she could move to the city and become known for something other than this. "Drifting into fantasy land?" The fabulous voice of Ricky brought a smile to her lips as she looked up at him, "I'm checking to make sure I don't need a face lift." Ricky rolled his eyes, "Girl as if, you not even near 30 yet. However yo man is stalking my place again, looking all evil like he gonna drive into the building. Keep your pit bull on a chain before I ban his ass." She rolled her eyes as she quickly changed and gathered her things from her locker and headed out the doors. Checking her phone to the endless missed calls and messages she scoffed to herself, she walked out to her car which of course he parked next to. "Stop stalking me, you're making people uncomfortable." He got out the car and walked with her to her driver side door, "Answer your damn phone and I won't have to." She hit the button to unlock her door, "Darnell I don't have time for this shit." He grabbed her before she could open her door and pulled her close, "Let go you are hurting me." He pulled her closer and tighter to speak in her ear, "Nah I ain't hurt you yet. When I call that phone you answer and when I text, you answer. You got me?" She tried to pull away, "Do you got me?!" Her eyes began to water, even though she was used to this. Hot and cold, the toxicity that was their relationship. "Yes now let me go!" He released her as she pulled again and she quickly got into her car and drove off. He knew he was gonna see her in a short while but he had business to take care of. He hated being forceful with her but she drove him crazy. Getting back in the car Chris looked at him, "Nigga you crazy." Darnell drove away and headed to their destination on the West side.
Vanessa watched as her friend drove away and saw her chances of sleeping peacefully coming to an end. She usually asked Adina to crash at her place but seeing what took place she knew Adina wouldn't be home alone tonight which left her with the only option of going back to her hell hole on the east side or busting down a double and staying until 5 in the morning, when she knew that piece of shit she had to call a step dad would be at work. She wishes she would have paid attention in school and got the golden opportunity for a scholarship so she could leave this place. Now she has to work from the bottom to get out of the hell she is ultimately stuck in, dealing with a step dad who would rather rape her every night then attempt to sleep with his own wife. Sucking up the feeling of being tired she pulled out her vile of coke and took a sniff, just what she needed to crank up her energy. She walked back inside just as Ricky kicked out two drunk old men, "And stay out you rubber back bastards. Uhh excuse me miss milk but your shift was over 30 mins ago." She gave him a look and he sighed, "Come on in here chile, you need to let me handle that situation for you. You know I got connections that will have his ass in the ground." She shook her head and just walked back inside to the safe haven of the club.


Stepping out her shower, water carrying glitter down her drain. She felt back to normal. No glitter, hair freshly washed and clean of any trace of her other identity. She put on her lotion and brushed her teeth. Adina made it a habit to have her shower times as a meditation period. Everything she did at the club she left it there, every lap dance, every rough calloused hand that grabbed her, every hard on she felt pressed up against parts of her body, she left them at those double doors and then came through her own front door and washed the remaining grime down the drain of her shower. The banging on her front door indicated what she knew was bound to happen. Slipping on her soft satin night gown that stopped at her thighs.
She walks down stairs and opens the door, soon as the door opens Darnell grabs her by her hips and soon has her in his arms as they kiss passionately. Slamming the door shut with his foot he walks up the stairs holding her as she wraps her legs around his waist. Step by step he walks up the stairs without missing a beat, having been in this house more times then he can count. He finds his way into the bedroom and the passion turns into a sexy rage as he presses her against the dresser kissing down her neck to her chest pulling down her gown from the straps exposing her breasts. Sweet kisses that turn into bites as he nibbles and sucks around her collar bone before going lower to each breast taking time to take a nipple into his mouth licking and sucking. Moans escape her lips as she feels herself getting wetter, reaching down she unbuckled his pants reaching under the waistband of his boxer briefs and feeling how warm and hard he was. He groaned as he felt her soft touch against him and roughly pulled her off the dresser and threw her on the bed. The night turned into moans of pure ecstasy and rough passion that had her pulling at the sheets and him groaning in pleasure.
After 45 mins of pure make up sex, Adina laid on her stomach her smooth back exposed as he ran his fingers across it. Her eyes shut as she relished in the moment, "Baby, why do we always do this?" He asked and she wondered that herself. Why did they always seem to be stuck in a hot and cold limbo. "You start it." He sucked his teeth and chuckled, she sits up and lays on his chest, he looks at her face, caressing her cheek and admiring her beauty. The ways the curls in her hair fall into her face. "So beautiful." He said so low she almost didn't hear him. "I'm almost saved up." He groaned in frustration and sat up causing her to move and sit up herself as she faced him. "I found this nice condo in the city. It faces out to the east toward the ocean. I figured you can come and look at it with me." Darnell hated when she kept bringing this up. He has no desire to leave the grove especially to live in the city even closer to the corruption. "I don't know why you wanna leave. You own this house. You live here on the west side which is the better side. What more do you want?" Adina looked at him, it was hard to get annoyed with his beautiful face, how the lighting made his amazing dark skin look, but it was also his strange love for the grove. "Because I want better than this. I'm better than this." He rolled his eyes and got up, putting on his underwear and walking to the bathroom. He hated how she felt like she was above where she came from. He knew it and she knew it, they belonged here. The city would only spit them back out to the grove. "I'm going to see it in the morning. Around 11. With or without you." Laying back down Adina knew he wouldn't come and she didn't care. She needed to leave this place. He came back from the bathroom just as she closed her eyes to drift off to sleep. He needed her to stay. His love wouldn't let her ruin her life to just prove something to someone who wouldn't care. He slipped back into the bed holding her and watching her sleep. He would protect her, even from herself. Call it madness.

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