Chapter 4

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The weekend dragged by. Kristian and Marck went shopping for me on Saturday. They went and got me a new phone so I could get a hold of people who were actually in this country. Not that I was anticipating making any friends anyway. They also bought me a television just like Kristian had said they would the day I got here. They did surprise me by buying me a Playstation 3 that I could play Netflix and movies on. I felt like they were spoiling me far too much, but I couldn’t turn them down because I figured that was rude. So I just thanked them a lot and helped them set everything up in my bedroom.

My jetlag finally decided to wear off last night. But now I had to start school today. I rolled out of bed at five thirty. Since when was it even legal for high schools to start right at seven o’clock. Not only was it too early, but it just seemed weird to me.

I was done showering and getting dressed by six. I walked out into the basement living room. I noticed Patrick’s door was still closed. Either he kept his door shut when he was gone during the day or he was still getting ready.

I kept walking, my rucksack hiked up over my shoulder, and went up the stairs for breakfast. We were supposed to go into the school a little earlier today so that I could get my schedule and my cousins could show me around.

I saw Kristian in the kitchen. I sniffed the air and smiled. He was totally making bacon. I walked in and Kristian smiled at me. “Marck already left for work. He told me to tell you he hopes you have a great first day.”

I didn’t say anything. I just walked past him, grabbing a plate of food out of his hand, and sat down at the breakfast table. I looked out of the large windows around me. I could see the lake a ways away, glistening in the morning sunshine.

Five minutes later, Patrick stumbled up the stairs. He grumbled a hello at his dad and grabbed his own plate. We glared at each other as he slumped down in a chair opposite me. We ate in silence, sharing no greetings or any words at all, actually. I could tell it was going to be a blast living with this kid.

Ten minutes later, we said goodbye to Kristian and went out to the garage. I eyed Patrick’s car. It was black and really shiny. I could tell he took really good care of it. Patrick gave me an annoyed look and I got into the front seat. We drove in silence over to Uncle Scott’s house. Scott was at work already, too, but Vanessa waved happily out the window at us as the girls ran out. I got up from my seat and moved into the back so Aria could sit up front. I assumed that was her usual spot. Phoebe greeted me with a big smile. It was a short five minute drive to the school and once we parked, we all got out.

I looked at the building, not sure what to do next. I waited for Phoebe to come around and join me. So far, she was the only person I was going to trust. I looked after Aria and Patrick, slightly confused as they walked away from Phoebe and me.

“Where are they going?” I asked.

The car beeped loudly and I realized Patrick locked it as he walked away. Phoebe rolled her eyes. She slipped her arm through mine and started to walk me towards the entrance.

“Well, he’s kind of cranky today. He’s refusing to show you around. And Aria, being his best friend, is siding with him. She said they have something important to do,” Phoebe said. “But I just think she doesn’t want Patrick to think she likes you since he kind of hates you.”

“Wow, pretty blunt, aren’t you?”

She shrugged. “No point lying. Judging by the glares you two share and the severe lack of words, you hate him too.”

I pursed my lips. “Can’t argue there.”

“Boys,” she sighed. “Anyway, I’ve taken it upon myself to be your beloved tour guide.”

I chuckled. “Alright. Where to first, then?”

Phoebe and I reached the door to the school and I pulled it open for her. “I don’t see why those two don’t like you,” she commented. “You’re great to me.”

I snorted. “It’s ‘cause I’m a little bastard. But I think you’re adorable and sarcastic. So I figured I’d keep you around.”

“Awh, shucks,” she said. “Well let’s go to the office. Mrs. Craine will look you up and you can check out your schedule. Then I can show you where to go.”

“There are a shit ton of kids here,” I said as we walked through the halls to the office.

Phoebe laughed. “Only like three thousand or something. What was your old school like?”

I gave her a look. “Nothing like this. It was all boys and only had like five hundred kids.”

“Wow,” Phoebe whispered. “That’s so weird. I couldn’t imagine going to an all girls school. I love boys too much.”

I smirked. Sixteen year old girls were so typical. “You know, we had to wear uniforms too.”

“Oh my God,” she said. “I would just die.”

I laughed loudly at her face and reaction. Then we walked through the door. A woman was sitting behind a counter, she looked to be about fifty.

“Hi, Mrs. Craine,” Phoebe said with a friendly smile.

“Hello there, darling. What can I do for you two?”

“New kid. He’s my cousin. He’s staying with Patrick’s family for a while. We need to get his schedule.”

Mrs. Craine nodded and turned to her keyboard. “Name?”

“Caise Danue-Samuels,” I muttered.

“Oh wow,” she said as she typed. “That’s quite the accent you’ve got there.”

I blushed lightly. I hadn’t even realized that I sounded that different. I mean, obviously I’d thought all their American accents were weird, but it was all I’d been hearing these last few days. I’d begun to forget that I really did sound nothing like them.

“He’s from New Zealand!” Phoebe piped in. “Doesn’t he sound like super cool?”

Mrs. Craine smiled at me. “Of course.” She clicked a button and I heard a printer go off behind her. She stood and retrieved the fresh piece of paper. Then she came back over to us and handed it to me. “There you are.”

I gladly accepted the paper and mumbled a thanks. Phoebe said goodbye and we went back out to the main hall. Kids were walking past us. Some threw us glances but most didn’t even blink twice at us. I guess with so many kids in their school, they didn’t really notice new people that often. That was perfectly okay with me.

“What have you got?” Phoebe asked. “We have about fifteen more minutes before first period starts. I can show you where a few classes are and then the rest I can show you in between later classes.”

“Alright,” I said. I handed her the sheet.

She scanned the page. “English AP, Economics, French three, Lunch, German’re really taking two languages?”

I nodded. “Yup. I’ve been doing it for years, though. Chances are, I’ll already know everything these teachers have to teach.”

“Hmm. Then you’ve got Art Media and then lastly Gym. Nice schedule.” I shrugged. Classes were classes to me. “Okay, well the English department is upstairs, so let’s go there first. We’ll pass language on the way so I’ll point that out.”

We walked halfway down the hall until we reached the staircase. We went up, and just like she said, we walked past the language rooms. She pointed out which one I had French in and then the German classroom. Phoebe moved on and showed me where I had English. Then we walked across the hall and showed me the Economics room so I knew where to go right after first period.

By then, the warning bell went off. I sighed. Phoebe walked with me back to English to keep me company for a little longer. She told me she’d meet me outside of my French room when it was time for lunch that way we could go together. I agreed and waved goodbye to her before walking into the classroom.

I was pleasantly surprised that my first teacher didn’t make me introduce myself. She just let me sit in a seat in the back of the room. I kept to myself, but a few kids kept glancing at me. Clearly they noticed I was new. It irritated me, but I reminded myself not to get into a fight on my first day.

I wasn’t so lucky with my next two classes. My Econ teacher announced to everyone that I was from New Zealand, which got me a lot of attention. I hated being in the spotlight almost as much as I hated people in general. She made me talk a little about what it was like in NZ. Obviously, since it’s me, I didn’t really give that much. I just didn’t want to talk. That got me even more weird looks, but I could tell people liked the way I spoke.

My French teacher wasn’t too bad. At the most he just wanted me to demonstrate how my skills in the language were. I was completely in my element there. He was very impressed with me. I could tell he was going to use me as a model student for the rest of the semester. I quickly noticed that everyone else in my class completely sucked at French. My French accent sounded way more natural than anybody else’s did.

By lunchtime I was bored out of my mind. American school was a piece of cake for me so far. People weren’t any less annoying or mundane, though. I walked out of my French class in the middle of the crowd of students. I saw Phoebe leaning against the wall. She smiled when she saw me and jumped into the group with me.

“How’s it going so far?” she asked.

“Good, I guess,” I muttered. “Classes are easy.”

Phoebe giggled. “It’s only the first day. Teachers are basically only doing review and intros. It’ll be way more annoying by the end of the week, trust me.”

“Oh joy.”

“Got any classes with Patrick or Aria yet?” she asked.

“Nope. But I guess the day is only half over so far.” We walked back down the stairs. “Speaking of which, I’m fecking starving. Please tell me the food isn’t completely awful.”

“I won’t lie,” she said. “But it could be worse. Today they’re serving mini corn dogs. They’re decent. I think you’ll like ‘em.”

“I hope so.”

We got to the cafeteria and made small talk as we waited in line for ten minutes. Then we paid for our lunch and went to find a table. I stood next to Phoebe, staring at my lunch as she scanned the crowd for a moment. She let out a pleased noise and led me away.

We approached a table where a girl with curly, black hair was sitting. Phoebe sat down next to her and I sat next to my little cousin. “Caise, this is my best friend Jamey. Jamey this is my older cousin Caise.”

“Jeez, you’re pretty cute,” the girl said.

I gave her an unamused look. “Don’t mind him, he’s like Patrick,” Phoebe said.

I threw a fry at her face. She made a funny face at me. I just blinked and started to eat. A minute later our table was joined by Aria and her grumpy companion, Patrick. Aria sat opposite me and Patrick sat down across from Phoebe.

I zoned them all out and hungrily shoveled my food into my mouth. I had to admit, it wasn’t that bad. It was definitely unhealthy compared to the school lunches I was used to, but I got over it quickly because I was so hungry.

Halfway through the lunch period, a skinny blonde girl and a redhead walked by our table. I glanced up and unintentionally made eye contact with them. They grinned and I crinkled my brow at the pair. They quickly changed their intended path and sat down at our table, right next to Patrick.

“Hey there, Patrick,” the blonde said. “How was the summer?”

Patrick looked at the intruder and snorted. “Nobody said you could sit there, Candy.”

“Oh come on, Rick,” she said. “We broke up like two years ago. You can’t possibly still hate me.”

“You cheated on me. And you’re a total skank. Why would I want to talk to you?”

Candy simply laughed. “Who’s your new friend?” the redhead asked.

Patrick gave her a dirty look. “Chantay, you really weren’t invited to sit here. Fuck off, the both of you.”

Candy playfully pushed Patrick. Obviously she didn’t get the hint that Patrick wanted her gone. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

“No,” he said easily. “Because I don’t like him and I hate you two.”

“Just go away,” Phoebe said, jumping in.

“Oh please, you little pipsqueak,” Chantay said. “We didn’t ask you.”

“Watch who you’re talking to, bitch,” I snapped. “It doesn’t look like anybody here likes you. So fuck off and go away.”

Both of the girls’ jaws dropped. Phoebe smiled at me. Aria was trying not to laugh while Jamey wasn’t even bothering to hide her laughter. Patrick didn’t even look at me. He just went back to his lunch. I rolled my eyes.

I stared pointedly at each of the girls. “Why are you still here?”

“What an asshole!” Candy yelled. She grabbed her friend and after they both gave me nasty glares, they sauntered away.

“Nice job!” Aria praised me.

“Yeah, whatever,” I mumbled. “They were pissing me off.”

“And you two don’t like him,” Phoebe scoffed. “I think he’s funny.”

I glared at my brunette friend. She flashed me another smile. Patrick stood and motioned for Aria to go with him. She sighed, but got up and walked away with him.

“What is his problem today?” Jamey asked, watching after our friends.

“He just really doesn’t like Caise.”

I rolled my eyes. “No kidding,” she said.

“Why do you keep saying that?” I asked.

“What?” Phoebe asked. “You don’t like him either. I’m just saying the truth.”

I shook my head. “Are you done eating? I need you to show me where the gym and changing rooms are.”

Phoebe stood up. I did the same and we grabbed our trays. “You coming with?” she asked her friend.

“No, I’m gonna wait for Rory. He had a meeting.”

Phoebe nodded and led me away from the table. We dumped our garbage and headed towards the cafeteria exit. “Who is she waiting for?”

“Her boyfriend.”

“She has a boyfriend?”

Phoebe giggled. “Duh, she is pretty and funny, you know.”

“That’s not what I meant,” I said, following her down a hall. “But if she’s got a boyfriend then why did she hit on me?”

“Oh please, Caise. She hardly hit on you.”

“She told me I was cute,” I pointed out.

“That’s just Jamey. She tells everyone who she thinks is cute exactly that. She’s not afraid of anything.”

I shrugged. “Whatever then.”

“Okay, down here are the locker rooms...”

And just like that, we were back to the tour. And I was back to being bored out of my skull.

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