Chapter 23

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I rolled over, slowly waking up from the tiny nap I had fallen into after Rikert and I were done. I glanced at his alarm clock across the room and saw it had been about forty minutes.

Rikert’s hands scratched in my hair. A coy smile found its way onto my lips. He kissed me on the top of my head and I sighed quietly in content. I turned and felt his arms wrap around me, bringing me close against his body. I nuzzled my nose against his throat.

“I love you.”

The whisper was so gentle and softly-spoken that I wasn’t even completely sure it was real. My head whipped around and I backed off. I stared at Rikert in shock. My mouth was gaping open at him and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

“W-what? You said-what did you say?” I stuttered.

Rikert chuckled and his eyes softened as he studied my face. “I said I love you, Caise.” His hand brushed the side of my face. “A lot. Is that okay?”

The grin was quick to show itself and was so wide it almost hurt my jaw. “Yes!” My eyes were gleaming and the words wouldn't come out fast enough. “Of course. I love you too. Like more than anything.”

I leaned in again and kissed him. My hands went up into his hair and I wanted to cry. I was so overwhelmed. I’d never been in love before. With Rikert, it seemed like love was the only possible explanation for my feelings. I did love him. I lived for him. Rikert meant more than the world to me. To know he loved me and to hear those words was like Mozart to my ears. Nothing was more pleasing than that.

I pulled away and placed a handful of butterfly kisses along his face. I was so delighted. Rikert laughed and cupped my cheeks in his hands to get me to stop and calm down.

“You’re beautiful, baby.”

I blinked tearily at him. A blush crept up my neck. “Thank you. So are you.” Rikert laughed again. We sat up and he held onto my hands. “I was wondering if I could ask you something?”

I glanced up shyly at him. He nodded. “What is it?”

“Were you serious when you said you would come over for dinner?”

Rikert smirked. “Deadly. Why?”

“My uncles wanted to know if you could come over on Monday evening. They want to meet you. And you’re so perfect and lovely that I know they’ll be crazy about you like I am. Will you come?”

Rikert brushed his thumb over my hand. “I don’t see why not. What time?”

I broke out into another idiotic grin. “Thank you! Six o’clock, and we’ll eat right after you get there.”

“Alright, I’ll be there,” he said cheerily. He clapped his hands together. “Let’s get dressed and I’ll take you home.”

I frowned. I didn’t want to go. “Do I have to?” I asked quietly.

“Caise,” he said in a hard-edged tone. I pursed my lips and looked down at my hands so I wouldn’t have to see the disapproval in his eyes. “What do we say about complaining?”

I creased my eyebrows. “I’m not supposed to do it,” I mumbled quietly.

Rikert grabbed my chin in his right hand. The tough skin scratched at mine as he placed too much pressure on my jaw. He abruptly jerked my head up so my guilty, sullen eyes were looking straight into his glaring, emerald ones.

“So why do you insist on doing the opposite of what I’ve told you?”

I blinked. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

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