Chapter 39

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When I felt the bed shift under me, my eyes shot open in fear. All I saw was black, though, because I had just been sleeping. It was the middle of the night and pitch dark in my bedroom. I sat up real quick and tried to let my eyes adjust to the lack of lighting. Somebody was sitting next to me on my bed and I had no idea who it was.

“Whoa, calm down,” the boy whispered to me.

My hammering heart both started doing crazy flips and also settled at the same time. Once again, my brain and body were defying logic and confusing the hell out of me.

“Patrick?” I asked when I placed the voice in my head.

My eyes went wide. I could just barely make out his silhouette, but I had no idea what kind of expression was on his face, and I found myself yearning to know what it was. I wanted to know what was going through his mind and everything else. Mostly, I wanted to know why he was there with me in the first place.

“Yeah,” he said, keeping his voice low.

“W-what are you doing?” I asked, hating that I stuttered and that I sounded so odd.

I reached over to turn the lamp on, but Patrick’s cool fingers slid over the skin of my forearm, making me freeze. I swore he would have been able to hear the frantic beating of my heart. Wanting to slap myself for the way my body was acting, I stared into the blackness, waiting for Patrick to do something.

“Leave the light off,” he said.

The gentle way he said it made me turn my head slowly towards him. My eyes were adjusting better now and I could see his long eyelashes fluttering over his light skin whenever he blinked.

“What time is it?” I asked, not knowing what else I could possibly say to fill the deafening silence.

Patrick answered with certainty, “Almost one in the morning.”

I scrunched my face up in confusion and yawned at the same time. “Patrick--”

“Jaxon was texting me earlier today...” he said, trailing off.

I tensed up and Patrick took his hand back. That was when I realized that he’d never stopped touching my arm. I hadn’t even noticed before. Now it just felt weird knowing that his hand had been there for at least two minutes.

I held my breath, letting my mind go wild. It was Saturday--technically Sunday now--and Jaxon’s promise was still fresh in my mind. He said he’d give me until Monday. It was not Monday yet. There should be no reason why he would tell Patrick. The thought that everything was out in the open and that Jaxon had lied to me like that made my heart drop and tears wanting to fall.

Before I could even get my bearings back to think of something to say, Patrick went on. “He said you have something to tell me.” His voice was lower and different. It almost sounded like it was wistful or something. It was like he was breathing the words instead of speaking them. “What...what is it?”

I blinked at him in the dark; just staring at him. “You mean, he didn’t say anything?”

Patrick paused, and I wished I could see him to know what he was doing. “No, Jaxon didn’t say much. He just said I had to ask you about it.”


I smiled for a second. Jaxon didn’t betray me. At least not yet. My face fell when I realized that I went from one bad situation to another. Now I had no idea what I was supposed to say.

I shifted in my bed, remembering that I was only in my boxer briefs. That was all I ever wore when I slept. Right now, even with the slight moonlight filtering in through the window making it hard to see much, I felt exposed. My cheeks grew hot, knowing that every one of my thoughts was out of line. I tightened my hands in the blanket and pulled it closer to me, covering myself up to my belly button.

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