Chapter 12

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Not that much happened over the weekend. It was actually pretty boring. I spent most of it either texting Kieran, at Kieran’s house, or Skyping with Eryn. I missed my best friend so incredibly much. We spent hours laughing together, joking, and talking about all the crappy drama going on in our lives. The way I saw it, it would be so much easier if I had romantic feelings for him. Because then that way I would have someone to fall back on. I wouldn’t have to worry about failing relationships or being alone. I’d have my best mate for that.

But that wasn’t the case. I saw the way Eryn would sometimes just watch me as I moved or did pretty much anything when he thought I wasn’t looking at him. It just made me wish he didn’t have feelings for me. Because, as I’d already mentioned, it wasn’t reciprocated. And that was just sad. The thought made me feel sad for him.

I did find myself in a little bit of trouble, though. Because after that horrendous run-in with Rikert in the hall, I had decided to skip gym class. Anything to avoid a potentially awkward situation if one were to arise between the two of us. As my luck would have it, after only missing Friday’s and Monday’s classes, I was already busted.

My teacher and the principal weren’t too pleased with me about it. And my uncles weren’t exactly thrilled either. They didn’t get on my case about it, though. I could tell that they were unsure on how exactly to discipline me since I wasn’t their child and we didn’t know each other that well. So they simply gave me a warning--told me that it wasn’t acceptable behaviour, and to not continue to do it.

I, of course, humored them for about two minutes before I walked away, not really intending to listen to what they had to say. And when I checked my email later on Monday evening, my parents had sent me a long email lecturing me on how I was to behave and to listen to my uncles. Needless to say, that email was deleted without a response from me.

What I’d ended up getting for my truancy was detention for the next three days. I almost didn’t care, though. I didn’t go out anyway. I had no friends here in America--and no, Phoebe didn’t count because she was my cousin, and Kieran didn’t count because he spent all his time trying to get into my pants when we were together.

What really angered me, though, was that the first day of detention on Tuesday, out of all the people in school, Rikert himself had to be there. Apparently he’d gotten in trouble for setting the oven on fire in his foods class. I’d found that absolutely hilarious. I probably would have laughed and congratulated him on attempting to burn the stupid school down if it wasn’t for the fact that his presence unnerved me for reasons I didn’t even want to acknowledge.

For that first day, Rikert had made a rude comment to me. So what did I do? Exactly what I always did, I retaliated which resulted in a heated argument between the two of us. I was so close to punching him for the second time ever when the English teacher got fed up and separated us across the room. That was all fine and dandy except for the part where he added two more days of detention for each of us.

Detention was two hours long and frankly the most boring time of my life. We couldn’t do anything so I just sat there, thinking about things. Mainly about how Phoebe nagged me about Kieran. Or how on Earth I was supposed to make sure my aunt and uncles didn’t find out about me being gay. Because there was no way I wanted my parents to hear about it. I also thought about how Aria wouldn’t quit giving me knowing looks all the time and how Patrick avoided me like the plague.

That boy had some serious issues. He wouldn’t even acknowledge my presence further than driving me to and from school--at least on the days that Kieran didn’t take me to his place after school for some nearly x-rated fun in his bedroom. I didn’t know why Patrick was so pissed but I decided that I didn’t care enough to ever ask him about it.

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