Chapter 40

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I slept like a baby last night. Once I had finally crawled into Patrick’s bed, the amount of safety I felt there beside him was completely overwhelming. I had been able to sleep soundly throughout the rest of the night.


My eyes fluttered open, and my vision was blurry at first. Then I was aware of my body and my position. I had my head resting against a shoulder and my arms were wrapped tightly around an arm. My hands were clutching at the flesh and my entire body was somewhat curled in around the other boy’s limb. It were as if I were clinging on for dear life, terrified that if I let go, something would hurt me. And all of this was while I was unconscious.


I dared to glance up at the older boy’s face and my eyes finally focused. My heart stopped for a second when I realized he was laying there with his free hand tucked under his head, and his brown eyes were open and staring up at the ceiling. It was then that I became aware of how tense he was.


My lips parted and my eyes went slightly wider in shock. I didn’t know how to act so I stayed silent and didn’t make a move.


Without looking down at me Patrick said in his thick morning voice, “What are you doing?”


He kept his face an unreadable mask. He had always been good at that, but I could tell he was angry. Why wouldn’t he be? I was so stupid. But that had been the best night of sleep I’ve had in a long time--one without nightmares or waiting forever to finally fall asleep after countless worrying thoughts. I just wanted to feel safe for once.




“Get off,” Patrick said quietly once he realized that nothing intelligent was going to come out of my mouth. He was still staring up at the ceiling.


I abruptly became frozen from anxiety. How idiotic had I been? Just because Patrick had been nice to me lately, didn’t mean he stopped hating me. He pitied me and that was it. I couldn’t blame him at all. I was a horrible person. I kept taking up his time and making him worry about me. I didn’t deserve that kind of attention in the first place, and when he was so kind to me last night, I turned around and abused it. I should have never gone into his room and definitely not into his bed.


“I said get off,” Patrick repeated with more force than before.


He looked down at me with strong irritation all over his face. His eyes were fierce with annoyance. When I still didn’t move, Patrick used his free hand to quickly grab one of mine and tear it away from him. My eyes went as wide as they could go and he continued to pry me off of him insanely fast. The next thing I knew, he was jumping off of the bed and walking away from me.


I scrambled to my feet in a daze, having no idea what was going on. I stumbled towards him, saying things that I didn’t even understand. Patrick whirled around and glared at me. I stopped myself just before I ran into his bare chest.


“You can’t just sneak in here,” he hissed.


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