Chapter 25

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Leaving the school without permission was a lot easier than I had ever imagined. Rikert was a charmer. He knew the ladies who worked the front desk and they adored him--much like everybody else did. He briefly explained that I was feeling sick and that, as a concerned friend, he was going to take me home.

The women had cooed, taking the bait. They had thought Rikert was the most considerate boy ever for offering to take care of me. I couldn’t help but agree with them inside my mind. He was doing so much for me, and I could do hardly anything for him. I simply wasn’t as brilliant as he was. I was weak in comparison.

After the women practically pushed us out of the doors, it was only ten minutes before we were at my house. I unlocked the door, lucky that the house was empty, and I took Rikert down to my bedroom.

He held onto my wrist as he looked around the room. It was plain, since I was only going to be here for a short amount of time. After a moment of silence, he took me over to my bed and sat me down on the edge. He held my wrist in his hand and stood in front of me, looking down at me. I felt completely content in his grasp.

Rikert gave me a careful smile. “Now, do you want to explain to me what happened earlier?”

I swallowed thickly, bowing my head a little as I started to speak. “Kieran took me into the bathroom and he locked us in there. Then he started asking me questions about you and me,” I said. I felt ashamed at what I had to say. “He was saying horrible things about you and our relationship. I don’t think he likes us together.”

Rikert’s fingers tightened slightly around my thin wrist. “Did he say something like that?”

I looked down even further. “He told me that I should break up with you.”

I held my breath as Rikert let the air fill with pure silence for nearly a minute. I’d never been more nervous. “Do you want to do that?”

I shook my head crazily. “No! I don’t ever want to break up. I love you, Rikert. I need you.”

“So what did you tell him?” Rikert asked. I heard that little edge in his voice and I felt even more nervous.

I shook my head again, this time trying to make it less noticeable. “I guess I didn’t say much.”

“You let him just run his mouth, then?” Rikert snapped. He smacked the bottom of my chin, my teeth knocking together from the impact. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.”

I immediately brought my eyes up, obeying him. I knew I’d screwed up somehow. I always managed to no matter what. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

Rikert glared. “Answer my question.”

“I didn’t mean to, I swear,” I tried to explain. “I was anxious and I took off before I could really say anything.”

“How stupid can you get?” he asked. “Don’t let him say things to you like that. This is our relationship and not his. Next time don’t act like an idiot. Tell him that what we do is none of his damn business.”

“Okay,” I answered softly.

“Did he touch you?” He asked abruptly. I paused for only a second, but Rikert had come to his own conclusion by then. He growled angrily. “I do not ever want his hands on you again. Do you understand me?”

I licked my dry lips. “It was only my arm,” I mumbled cautiously.

“I don’t care what it was,” he snapped.

He cuffed me roughly on the ear and grabbed tightly to my hands. I flinched, hissing quietly at the pain. I couldn’t touch it to try and relieve the ache because Rikert was holding on to me. I felt nothing but guilt and shame as I sat in front of him. I was starting to get scared because I didn’t want Rikert to hurt me anymore but I had no idea what to do. This was my fault.

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