Chapter 2

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The strangers carried my Mama and pushed me into this little moving house that a strange-looking animal was pulling. As soon as I was dropped into it, I quickly ran over to my Mama, pulled her head onto my lap, and cried, begging her to wake up; I knew she would wake up because when I put my hand on her chest, I felt it moving, so she was still breathing, I was happy knowing I would see my Mama again.

I cuddled onto her and closed my eyes. I have been crying so much that my head and throat are hurting. After some time, I sent God a few prayers before falling asleep beside Mama.


"Baby, wake up" I slowly opened my eyes to see my Mama sitting beside me. I jumped up and hugged her, almost knocking her down. "Mama, you're okay! I missed you."

She pulled me tighter in her arms. "Yes, mama is fine; I'm sorry for leaving you so long."

"It's okay," I said softly, whimpering. I'm just happy to see Mama up and moving. I still couldn't believe the type of people I saw today. I was hoping it was one of my weird nightmares again, that I would wake up and my Mama would be sleeping next to me back in our village, and I would explain to her the people with white skin; I would tell her the story, and she would reassure me that she wasn't hurt and everything was fine. But that wasn't the case; my Mama and I were being captured by the white skin people.

Deep down, I knew that they were going to hurt us. Those people would hurt my Mama badly, and I wasn't sure how I could get them to leave her alone; I didn't want to see my Mama writhing in pain. It would destroy me.

"Mama, what are those strange creatures outside? The ones pulling this little house" I wanted to lift the mood, and asking my mama questions has always worked; she knew that I couldn't stop talking, I was very talkative, and she loved that.

"Those creatures are called horses, and this little house we're in is called a carriage."

"Why did I never see them before in our village?"

She sighed, "I know I said that I would answer all your questions when you are older, but I should start telling you everything now, so listen to me carefully, Dollanie."


I was shocked to the core about what my Mama had just told me; those white people outside had captured every black people that they could find and forced us to work for them for free until we died; they would torture and beat us just for fun especially if we don't do what they say.

Mama was born in their castle and became their slave, she met my father there, and when they decided they didn't want me to be born there, they planned to escape from there. They caught my father and killed him on the spot. Luckily Mama ran along with my aunties and uncles and went far away. They raised me there. She didn't tell me before because I was too young, and she didn't want that image in my head. But now that we were captured, many things are going to change.

Everything was going to change. Mama asks me to stay by her side and always listen to her. Because her only priority right now is my safety, she will protect me from them and wouldn't let them hurt me. Who was going to save her?

"But Mama, why are they doing this to us? Are we also not human?"

"Yes, we are, baby, but those people refuse to accept anything different from them; they are cold-hearted, mindless, and evil creatures. They rather put us down and make us do things for them because they are cruel. Selfish evil beings they are."

"Are they going to kill us?" she gasped, and I saw a flash of hurt run across her eyes. "I won't let them hurt you."

She always wants to put my safety first before anything, but what about her? Are they going to kill her for trying to keep me safe? What's wrong with a mother wanting to keep her child safe and free? I won't forgive those people for doing that to us.

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