Chapter 4

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We live in an extraordinary world where people refuse to accept anyone different from them. But why?

I didn't think of it as bad when I first realized there were different people of color. However, the skin color people have no limits to making us darker-skinned people feel low and degraded; they stop at nothing to make us feel like dirt. It had gotten to a point where I questioned my existence. Was there something wrong with me and my kind? Why could we not be equal to the whites? But, as I looked at my mother's smile, I realized there was nothing wrong with us; God made us perfectly fine; in fact, the white people were the ones with the problems.

Their hearts are covered with pure hatred, which has blinded them from seeing the true beauty of nature; they can't see the beauty in diversity. And I pray that one day they recover from whatever wickedness that has engulfed their hearts and turn them into the monsters that they are.

The day I met Prince Maximus has replayed in my head nonstop; I couldn't get it out. I remembered running back to my room and crying my eyes out. Not only because of the pain that I felt in my knees and neck but because I didn't know how I was going to tell mama.

How was she going to react when she finally saw it? I think she will be very disappointed in me. None of that would have happened if I had returned to the room as she told me.

When my mother came back into the room, she looked horrified. She always looked this scared whenever the king called for them. She looked like she had seen something unholy or witnessed a slaughtering. I wrapped the blanket tightly around my body to cover my neck, which was throbbing in pain.

I slowly approached her and sat down next to her on the bed. "Mama, are you alright?"

She turned her body around so she could face me. "I'm fine, my baby; come here," she said soothingly, opening her arms wide to hug me. she pulled me tight and ran her hands through my hair. "I'm going to ask you to do me a huge favor, Lanie."

"Okay, Ma, what is it?"

"Do you remember what I told you about monsters that lurk in the dark at night?"

"Yes," mama had told me the story about blood-thirsty monsters who prey on the innocents. Even though mama is a very clever woman, I couldn't believe her no matter how hard I tried, it just didn't make sense. She told me how they had super strength and could destroy things with just their minds, they are able to manipulate and spot things from afar. She pulled back from the hug and stared down at me.

"I do not wish to taint your mind with the thought of them as much as it has, it's hard to process Lanie because they are powerful beings. That's all I want you to know. So if you are ever approached by a royal, you will run straight to me. Do not stay alone with them, I don't trust them."

"Okay, I'll stay away."

"Thank you, Dollanie; I don't know what I would do if something bad happens to you."

"I'll always be with you, mama," we both chuckled, and I watched her face twist into a weird confused look. "why are you all wrapped up like that?"

"The real question is, why not," I question her back.

She shook her head and smiled at me. "I guess you're right."

After that day, I made it my mission to stay far away from prince Maximus and his friends. And I was able to, but for only six days, yesterday while I was walking out of the kitchen after having our Sunday lunch after church, I was surprised to see the prince standing outside next to the door with his armor suit on and a sword in his hand as he watched me.

When my eyes landed on him, I tried to turn around to return to the kitchen, but his hand reached out and wrapped around my wrist. I stared up at him in disbelief as he pulled me away from everyone. For some reason, I stayed quiet; I wasn't sure if it was because of fear or because I didn't want to get caught with him.

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