Chapter 7

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I was Laying down on the hard, hot ground, looking up at the sunny sky. A bright smile on my face as the sun blurred my vision. Though It burned my eyes a little, I couldn't bring myself to look away from its beauty- beauty hurts. Mama lay beside me quietly, laughing and humming as an answer to my nonstop chattering. We both stared up at the big white fluffy cloud. From down here, it almost looks solid. It seems like something that I can stand and bounce on. That is why I always used to call them bouncy clouds.

Though I always imagine it, I have never physically felt the feeling of lying down on a cloud. So why do I feel like I'm floating on one at this very moment? Is it possible that I am floating? Of course, that is nonsense... but it could be possible. After all, there are vile beasts on our earth who feed on human flesh and blood. My legs were slightly separated, and my arms were open on each side of my body. I was floating. I tried to force my eyes open, but my chest felt full and heavy. My lips were parted slightly as I again tried to grant my lungs its wish. My body twitched.

Out of nowhere, a hand wrapped around my wrist, and my body was pulled upwards. I don't know what happened, but one minute I was surrounded by water, and the next second, My back made direct contact with the cold feeling of grass that covered this forest for miles. I was expecting to be cold and shivering, but, Surprisingly, I felt warm as a large hand gently placed atop my chest. My throat burned, and the feeling of fullness was unbearable. I tried gasping to clear my throat, but it wasn't possible. My body twitched due to a lack of oxygen. Another hand snaked under my chin and held my neck in place. Not too soon after, something soft and plump connected to my lips, and I felt air blowing into my mouth and down my throat.

The cold breeze blew against my lips as the feeling was gone. The hand on top of my chest pressed down once, and that was all it took to send me into a coughing fit. My throat burned as the water spewed passed my lips forcefully.

Like a baby taking its first breath, my lips parted, and I took a gulp of air. The feeling felt so new and foreign that it sent tears to my eyes. I greedily took in another and started coughing harder. The force of the cough was so hard that it rocked my whole body that was lying down on the grass.

It took me a while to finally realize that someone had pushed me into the river, and I was drowning. That is why it felt like I was floating. I was floating down to my death. I'm supposed to be dead. This is not death. Death has no recognition. I felt my body getting pulled off the ground and into a warm embrace. Deep down, I had a feeling of who the eccentric yet familiar embrace belonged to.

My small sobs started echoing in my ears as I felt my body dipping into the water once more. I clung to the body as it swam toward the middle of the river. Soon, it stopped moving, and I was once again floating in the heart of the cold night- the river.

"Dollanie, open your eyes," his sultry voice commanded, and I would be a fool not to obey. The prince brought me back to the very thing that was dangerous to me at the moment for a reason; a warning. It would not take a genius to realize that I could not swim, his reasoning for bringing me back. I had gotten a taste of death, and It was not as peaceful and easy as some might make it seem. I dreaded everything about it and am looking to avoid it, at all costs. It's funny that I have grown to fear the inevitable.

My eyes peered up, and I stared into the most beautiful pair of blues I had ever seen. The moonlight shone down on the prince, making him look undeniably beautiful. His long ginger color hair was wet and flowed down over his face in waves. "Why did you come to the river alone knowing you can't swim?" his tone sounded amused. I stayed quiet, just observing him. His hand was wrapped around my back, holding me in place. His murderous hand, his evil hands.

How could he ask me such questions after he was the one who pushed me into the water? I wanted to tell him I was not planning on swimming out of sass, but I held back my tongue, seeing my position. I loathe the prince the most at the moment and want nothing but to run far away from him, not only out of fear but because of the hate I had for him for taking part in murdering the only people who I recognize as my family.

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