Chapter 6

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My eyes fluttered open and remained stuck in one direction. From this angle, I could make out the fluffy pink pillow, pink bedsheets, and orange-colored walls. Orange.

The orange gives me a comforting and warm feeling; it reminds me of the sunset after a nice warm day under the bright sun. I scanned my surroundings to see that I was in an unfamiliar place. Something very different from where I've been living. The room was different, nothing too fancy, but it looked much better than the previous room I had shared with my mother.

My mother...

My Mama,

My best friend.

My world, my everything.

The only person who knows and understands me. The only person who can console me with something as simple as a smile. The only person who I wanted to become my best self for. To bring out the best version I can be and make her proud.

Warmth, laughter, and kindness; My Mama. She is gone. Gone forever, gone from my sight and touch.

I am alone.

The tears streamed down, washing away the pain from my heart, and cascaded down my face, painting my skin like a canvas— a beautiful memoir of what has been lost and broken. I am utterly broken inside. I will never be who I was. For who I've been had not experienced this trauma.

The Dollanie I had known was sweet and innocent. A fighter, a warm little girl who had hope. I am not she. Who will I become? Who will I be in the future? It is now that I am grateful for my mother protecting my innocence. She hid the dark side of the world from me, and I enjoyed my childhood trauma-free.

But I can't help but wonder if the truth wouldn't have hurt me this much if I had known the dark reality of this world. Maybe I wouldn't be as broken as I am now if I could have prepared myself for the worst.

Sadly, this is the reality of our world. Why must it come to this?

My mother had always told me that I must forgive. I must forgive the ones who wrong against me. But Mama, you had not prepared me to forgive anyone who wronged you. I will not forgive those insatiable cold-blooded beasts. Those cold golden-colored eyes- I have seen them before, The day at the garden. I had seen that look in Maximus's eyes. Was that his beast trying to kill me too? To rip my throat out, let my body drop dead, and end my misery?

Now I wouldn't be surprised if that was his intention.

A child forced to grow in her sheltered wings. A trapped butterfly with broken wings. I am a she.

"Get up, slave" My body was vigorously shaken. My eyes diverted to the source of the voice, and I was met with a white lady. She looks to be middle age. Her outfit was black and white, something I would see the servants wearing around the royals. Her long blonde hair was tied into a neat bun at the back of her head. The bun is so tight that you can see her eyebrow lifting, but the bun is so keen that she gleams with power- power over me. Not a strand of hair was out of place.

"You have no use here. I am confused as to why the king is keeping you alive. You should have gone with the rest of your kind." she hissed with hatred.

My head was spinning in confusion, and I felt my eyes burn. Why is she saying that?

A burning sensation so deep that I could feel it in my bones washed over me. It was not from the saltiness of my previous tears. Rather it is from the boiling of my rage. I want to jump on her and rip out every strand of hair on her scalp. Rip out her tongue that dares to spit out such unforgivable words.

I feel my hands shake in fury. Then, before I could stop myself, I jumped up to my knees, my hands raised high in the air at lightning speed, and I struck her against her face. The sound echoed in the air, shocking not only her, who held the side of her face, but me at my odd behavior. I have never in my life dreamed or thought of raising my hand on anyone.

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