Chapter 8

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I can feel how thin I've gotten; the evidence was obvious

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I can feel how thin I've gotten; the evidence was obvious. My cheeks no longer felt as full and puffy as they once were. My hands looked dry every time my eyes landed on them. My stomach is so flat that I can pinpoint and count each of my ribs through my dirty long gown. I've been spit on, kicked, and punched so badly that sometimes I would be allowed to stay in bed just to recover from my injuries— which don't usually always heal because I would get hit again in the same spot. This treatment has been going on for a long time, so long that I don't even know how many years have passed.

I've been called all types of names. Getting yelled at is nothing to me. Though it still stings, I've gotten used to it. Before, I used to feel a fire burning inside me when I was called outside my name, but now, it doesn't bother me. I've adapted. Now, I just keep my head down and allow anyone to do and say as they please; it's a form of survival.

I've gotten taller, and my body started developing slowly because of malnutrition. I don't even look down at my body anymore to notice the changes when I get the opportunity to shower, which only happens when my scent becomes unbearable under their noses, and they can't differentiate me from the rotten corpses of the dead. I had gotten used to the smell of dead bodies. After the beast had their funs torturing the poor humans to death, I had to do a lot of the cleaning.

I learned something about the kingdom; this treatment isn't just directed towards black people; no, we get it worse for some reason. But there were also white human slaves. I don't know why I hadn't noticed that before, but not all white skin people were beasts. It started occurring to me when I saw the few beasts that had come to honor the king and prince for going to battle; it was a necessary visit. It's something about how they carry themselves and react when I walk past them. I always notice that they can tell and feel my presence before I even approach them, whereas the human servants only acknowledge my existence once I get closer to them.

I wasn't allowed to serve or get anywhere near the beast; the overseer made that very clear; she was a beast in charge of the servants, ensuring all the servants stayed in place. But, there are a few moments when I have to run and clean up a spilled mess or grab dirty dishes when all the other servants are busy. The beasts always make it clear that I am not wanted near them as I always feel their penetrating gaze and sometimes catch the sneer that wraps their beautiful features at my presence.

The overseer can be brutal; one of the reasons I figured out she was a beast. Her strength is very powerful compared to the servants' hits. I've felt almost all of their strengths, and they don't compare to the overseer.

I sighed and grabbed the cleaning supplies as I finally finished cleaning all the blood and remains. I silently let out a quick prayer for the poor soul that had been taken so brutally for being a second late from doing her duties.

My stomach growled again, begging me for scraps to keep me going, but I knew that wouldn't happen anytime soon. I would be lucky if I even get a sip of water today. I have been able to force my body to work under extreme conditions, so hunger doesn't affect me too badly. Eventually, they'll give me something to eat; They always do, even though they are small plates and usually consist of bread and sometimes little meat pieces; I wasn't complaining. I'll just be glad that I won't die of hunger. I don't want to die, and it's crazy that I still want to live under all these circumstances, but I want to live for my mother; it's the only thing I can give her, it was the only wish she had asked of me, and I will grant that to her. I will live until I die of old age. That's what I will strive for.

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