Chapter 10

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Dollanie POV

I stood in the corner of the large banquet hall along with two other slaves, with our heads bowed down as we awaited instructions. The sounds of laughter, clutter, and music filled the entire hall. I shouldn't, but I couldn't help sneaking a peak at the female beasts who walk around in beautiful high-quality gowns and heels clinking against the floor with their heads held high in confidence.

The overseer stood next to us, making sure to assign us to designated areas as she looked around to see where it was needed. The beasts didn't have to communicate with us slaves; that's why the overseer was here.

"You, go," she said, tapping the girl next to me to go clean up a plate that had just been knocked over and shattered to the ground; I watched from the corner of my eye as she got on her knees and started picking up the broken glass pieces. She might cut her fingers if she isn't careful enough, and I know how bad that would feel. I have accidentally cut myself many times with those sharp broken pieces when I'm the only slave left to clean at night.

I slowly brought my hand up and wiped the cold sweat that had formed on my forehead. I don't feel too well. I haven't felt well for a while ever since we were assigned our tasks. My stomach felt queasy and jumpy. It was like a nervous gut-wrenching feeling. I felt like a bunch of butterflies were swarming around in my stomach. I don't know what it is, but I just feel uneasy. And it has only been getting stronger since the party started. I'm probably just nervous about being around so many beasts for the first time.

Honestly, this is the first time I've been around so many of them ever since that morning Maximus left. I might just be really nervous because I know I could lose my life tonight if I make a mistake. I've learned to walk with my head down like I'm supposed to, but also be aware of my surroundings so that I don't bump into any of them. Bumping into them will most likely cost me my head.

"You. Go pick up the plates and bring them to the kitchen." The overseer says, pushing the girl next to me to go. Now it was just me and her. My hands suddenly shot up, and I clutched my chest when I felt my heart pounding at an unsteady pace. It wasn't its normal rate nor the rate of nervousness. What is happening to me today? I felt the sweat beads dripping down my face as if I were standing under a heavy rainstorm. My body got hotter with each passing second as heat waves ran through my entire system. I felt my knees buckling below me, and I struggled to stay put.

What is happening?? Was I having a fever? Right now?

This is bad, so so bad. I slightly turned my head to face the overseer, only to see her paying attention ahead of her, watching the beast interact to see if they needed anyone to do things for them.

My other hand shoots out, and I clutch my lower stomach when I feel a sharp, stabbing pain that forces air out of my lungs. I bit down on my lips as the pain only increased with each second.

"Slave, go" The overseer's voice rang in my ears, and I made the mistake of looking her in the eye. My eyes widened, and I quickly diverted my eyes to the table she was pointing at. I needed to grab the dirty dishes. I took one small step, but then everything went black.


I woke up to a cold, wet rag on my forehead and a hand running through my braided hair smoothly. I slowly blinked my eyes to see that I was back in my chamber.

"Are you alright?" I looked up to see Ella. My head was on her lap, and she was the one running her hands through my hair. Did I lose consciousness at the gathering? "What happened?"

"You just passed out. I was serving when it happened, and I saw the overseer had the other slaves bring you back in here. How are you feeling? It was so unexpected. But it's safe to say that the bleeding was the cause of it. Do you not keep track of your cycle?" My cycle? I always keep track of it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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