Chapter 3

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I was in love with the little white church dress I had worn today. I walked behind my mama and aunties as they talked; they were placed in different stations, so they had yet to interact as much. Time was moving by so fast. Before I knew it, I was already 13 years old; my life was changing so much in that short amount of time; one moment, I was in my small village with my mama. The next, I was in a big kingdom, helping people with the same skin tone as me, preparing food, cleaning, and serving the white people who treated us like dirty animals.

This was so unfair to us, but there wasn't anything that I could do; we couldn't do anything about it.

I've grown fond of all the people here; they were such friendly people. I couldn't understand why those white folks hated us so much. Because of our skin? What could be so wrong with darker skin tones? I didn't understand the reason behind their hatred towards our kind.

I broke out of my trance when I heard Mama's voice "She is so smart; I wish there were a way that she could learn to read. I've seen the way Dollanie looks at those posters. I feel awful that I can't teach her something so simple." she gently squeezed my hand as she looked down at me.

"Now, don't go on blaming yourself; it's not our fault. Dollanie is a very young girl; I can promise you that her future will be different from ours."

"Why do you say that? us folks' lives have been stolen from us for hundreds of years. The only thing I could do now is to pray that I find a way to escape this hell and free my baby because nothing will change; these evil beings will refuse to let us go."

"Well, You're right about one thing; we must take our freedom because it won't be given."

"Hush now, y'all too loud; those folks have eyes and ears everywhere."

I looked around the castle as we made it over the road through the backyard; this was the only route we were allowed to take, the only path where we won't be spotted.

"The king is asking for us in the meeting house," one of the slaves came running towards us with a frightened expression. After that, everyone started making their way to the meeting house without a second thought.

"Listen to me; I want you to return to our room and wait till I return. Do you understand?"

"Yes, mama"

"Good girl, now go on" I turned around and continued making my way to the room. I wonder why they never take me to that meeting; I want to know what they talk about. I love my mama, but she keeps me in the dark. So I'm oblivious to many things in the world; I wish she would tell me.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a scream from a girl "Maximus, no!! Axel, can you stop him!"

"Oh, come on, Char, I thought you wanted to play" this time, it was coming from a male, his voice was very calm, and I could hear the amusement in his tone.

"I'm a princess; I hate bugs!"

"If you don't shut that loud mouth of yours, I'll fucking feed it to you." That seemed to make her quiet.

I knew I should listen to my mama and return to the room, but I couldn't stop my curiosity as my feet moved on their own and made their way behind the wall where the sound was coming from. I wanted to see who these kids were, especially Maximus.

I peeked my head behind the wall and saw three people. I think they were a bit older than my age, they were white and way taller than me; there was one girl and two males. The males had their backs turned to me while the girl was facing me. I could see fear in her bright green eyes as she stared in shock at the boy with long orange ginger hair. She looked frightened as he held something in front of her face. "Maximus, please stop this nonsense; I'm afraid of them."

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