❆1. 13 years❆

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Damn... 13 years since the war and so much had happened. I learnt so much. The year of the war had been so hectic. Tom was dead, I became a single dad and I was living in the muggle world. I may or may not have gotten a secret court judgement that never made it to the daily prophet but it did get me away from all the aurors and out of wizard eyes. I had been more grateful because it was fairly obvious the wizard world hated me. The only family I had right now was my son. I had spent so much time in the muggle world that I even found a vampire that I helped in the manor named Ryan. He was my best friend and the only one other than my son that knew how I really acted. Other than that I was always doing one of my two jobs, running my café or writing stories.

I know its a bit odd but my son was attending Hogwarts. In speaking to McGonagall she reluctantly agreed to keep the fact that my son was a Malfoy a secret. My son on the other hand hated it because of how much he loved me and looked up to me. Heck the kid was even in Slytherin. I thought him very differently than my father did for me so he was very friendly with kids from other houses. Thankfully I had also stopped living on Malfoy property.

"Dad! I'm back. Can my best friend Ted come over?" Scorpius asked. "As long as his guardian is ok with it," I replied with a smile. It wasn't the first time that the kid was over and I never had a problem with him coming over. He was nice and seemed to like being in my company, partially because I was Scorp's dad and he got free cake whenever he was over. 

Other than me, Scorpius tells him everything. When I say everything, I mean...everything. When he came in his face lit up seeing me.

"Hi Mr. Draco! Is it ok if Scorpius and I talked to you?" Teddy asked. A bit puzzled I replied, "Sure, what about?" They dragged me to sofa and sat me down. It was obvious they had a lot of questions. They signaled to eachother who would ask their question first.

"Mr. Draco, your really nice so why don't you want people knowing your Scorp's dad?" I froze. 

I grabbed my arm and squeezed it before letting out a sigh. "A LOT of wizards hate me Ted. I don't want people to hate Scorp for it." They looked shock and confused.

"I used to be... a death eater. The mark disappeared the day the dark lord died. A lot of people blame me for some of the deaths that happened." 

"That's not fucking fair! It was grandpa's fault for forcing you!" Scorpius yelled. Ok... I may have told him a little too much when he was growing up.

Breaking the now awkward silence, Ted asked another question. "Mr. Draco, why are you single?"

"Isn't it obvious? My dad is gay." Scorpius said giving Ted a look. I put my hands in my face blushing profusely. 


Halfway through the conversation I asked, "Hey Ted, isn't your godfather getting married?" His face contorted into one of disgust.

"To a bitch, yes. She made it obvious that she doesn't like me. Not like I like her either." 

I felt a bit bad then dad chimed in, "Hey, I know how you feel. Your always welcome to stay with us if it gets out of hand."

To my dad's surprise he was attacked with hugs from the both of us.


With my dad's permission, Ted and I went to the park near my house. We were swinging in silence. After everything we talked about it was really needed but I really just want my dad to be happy for once. He even showed me the scars from his first crush. 

"You know, you should come over to my house next time. We have fire works." I looked at him shocked. Last time I checked, he lived in a manor. I've only ever stayed in them when my dad wanted to go on vacation but never to anything to fancy. Not to mention it being in the wizard world. I have to admit, a bit skeptical of going.

I looked at Ted and before letting out a sigh. I agreed. If I'm honest, I kinda wanted to meet his godfather. Since I only needed an owl to contact everyone but dad I'm sure it was fine. Phones are the world's greatest invention. 

It was getting late and we had just got back to my house. Ted owled his godfather to find out if he could stay the night and if I could come over with him the next day. It only took mere minutes before he got a reply. He said that he got permission for both requests.

I lent him some clothes and the two of us went to sleep. 

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