ꨄ9. The kiss ꨄ

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Its amazing. A full three months have gone by and after 13 years I can finally say I am friends with Harry James Potter. Thankfully he never brought up his engagement because if he did I wouldn't know how to react.

It's two days before we had to pick up the boys so Harry decided to stay over to make the trip short. Knowing my son, I let him sleep in my room while I sleep in the livingroom. We spent the night talking about where we'd spend Christmas and came to the idea of staying at his home. I wasn't sure if I wanted to stay there because of little miss perfect probably trying to kick me out but I caved either way.

The following morning I had gotten up early and decided to clean and make some coffee. I set up the tea pot and began mopping the kitchen floor. As I continued I heard the yawn of a now awake Potter.

Oh my word. I turned to find a shirtless Harry walking into my kitchen with only a track pants and socks on. Bloody hell.

"Harry, be careful. I'm mopping the floor so it's a bit slippery." I warned. He nodded carefully making his way into the kitchen to make himself breakfast. Of course he was a bit to late for that because I had already placed the food on the table. He began feeling cold so I laughed a bit knowing that the air conditioning was on. I told him about it and then he got up to go turn it off as I continued trying to finish clean the kitchen.

As soon as he made it half way through the kitchen he slipped falling on top of me. We both fell to the ground.

"Malfoy are you ok?" I groaned opening my eyes to find his face right in front of mine. We both silently stared at each other for a moment then something shocking happened. He... Kissed me! It took me a second before I stopped him against my own desire.

"Harry, why did you kiss me?! Aren't you engaged to-?!" Before I could finish, he kissed me again and then replied, "Nope. I haven't been engaged for 3 months now." I bit my lip not trusting my voice as I nodded to confirm that I understood.

"So... Is it ok if I continue having my breakfast or do you still wanna keep talk?" Shocked, I tried to hide my face as I felt it heat up. Unfortunately he wasn't having it.

He grabbed my arms pinning them above my head and smirked.


I have no idea what I was doing but I was enjoying it. I had pinned Malfoy down preventing him from hiding his face which was now stained red by blush. I smirked before I continued my assault on his lips.

He hadn't kissed back before but this time was different. We broke the kiss for a moment getting ourselves off the floor. To his surprise, I picked him up and made my way to the sofa which wasn't to far. I sat him on my lap facing me. He blushed hard avoiding eye contact before attacking my lips.

I wrapped my arms around his waist as he ran his hands through my hair deepening the kiss which lasted for what felt like hours.

When we separated we were both gasping for air.

"That was something I don't mind getting used to."


Holy shit. Was I dreaming? I feel like I'm dreaming. He wanted to do it again?! Trying to control myself I got off his lap and made my way to the kitchen to make coffee. My hands were shaking but I couldn't help it.

We both had breakfast in silence. How could we not after what just happened. Right after breakfast he left and thankfully so. I don't know what I would do if he stayed.

I grabbed my wand (he got a new one after the war) and charmed the house clean knowing I couldn't do it the way I was before. I made my way to the bathroom and sat in the tub still aw-struck by what had happened.  I spent about an hour in there processing what happened. I still couldn't understand it.

I texted Mione, telling her to come over. I needed someone to talk to and she was my best bet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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