❆5. Big trouble ❆

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Finally at Hogwarts. Scorp and I made our way off the train after the long ride and a good rest. We were almost never separated so it wasn't much of a problem when he came with me to the Gryffindor table.

"You, know despite everything your dad is really cool." Scorpius looked at me with a smile. "Of course he is and I would shout it from the roof if I could. "
We continued our conversation through breakfast but separated for the rest of the day to settle in. Thankfully we had the rest of the day off before going to class tomorrow.


Morning came about and right outside the common room waiting for me was Scorp. We started chatting and made our way to the great hall. Upon arrival to the hall, we sat next to each other at the end of each of our house tables.

Scorpius wasn't really friends with anyone from Slytherin so he wasn't exactly talking to them, but it was fine. We began talking again before I heard one of them.

"Oh look, it's the house traitor talking to his BeStIe." In anger, my hair turned red and before I could do anything Scorp held my hand preventing me from getting up trying to calm me down. I sat there with my blood boiling the more the continued bad mouthing him.

This went on for a while until we heard one of them, "No wonder you don't talk about your dad. He must be so embarrassed by his bad parenting that he doesn't ever show up." That was the last straw, for both of us.

We both got up and grabbed our wands and without hesitation hexed him and his friends. Before I knew it Scorp was up on the table staring daggers at them then spoke. "Ever talk about my dad like that again and you might just end up butt naked in the lake in the middle of the night you twat." The boys were ready to get up and continue the fight until we heard Professor McGonagall yelling. Uh oh.

"Theodore Lupin and Scorpius Malfoy, my office now." Oh boy. We left the great hall and made our way up to her office and waited outside for permission to enter. It took a few minutes before the door had open letting us in. We were terrified.

As soon as we entered we saw Harry and Mr. Draco there. They both seemed upset. We sat down before the professor started talking. "Mr.Potter, Mr. Malfoy, these two have caused a bit of a fight earlier."

Harry seemed shocked and got distracted by Mr. Draco's name. "Malfoy?!" "Not now Potter, if you have yet realised there is a bigger situation other than me being here right now." He hissed not straying from me and Scorpius.

Mr. Draco walked up to us grabbing both of our hands. He looked into our eyes, then asked what happened. Visibly shaking, Scorpius began, "Dad it wasn't our fault. These kids from my house were making fun of me for hanging out with Teddy and he got mad. I made him stop from attacking them but what they were saying was making me just as upset. We were leaving them alone until..." He stopped starting to tear up. So I continued, "They said that you don't show up because you were embarrassed at being a bad parent so we both got mad and hexed them. We're sorry. We only wanted to protect you Mr. Draco."

I felt tears well up in my eyes when suddenly I felt him hugging us. It wasn't long before we both broke down crying into Mr. Draco's shirt as he comforted us. Minutes later after we had stopped crying we heard him speak. "Thanks for trying to defend me boys. Since the cats out the bag, I might as talk to all the teachers and actually show up." We began giggling at how relaxed he seemed.

"Mr. Malfoy, you should've let them talk about you it seems. They both seem very fond of you." McGonagall laughed. "Of course they are, their both family by blood you know. But honestly not as bad as what me and Potter did to each other for the first six years here." They both began laughing. "Of course Mr. Malfoy. You both near put each other on death row every week." Scorp and I looked at each other in shock.

His expression soon changed when I heard him whispering. "Maybe that was my dad's way of hiding how much he liked him." I began laughing. We both looked at the confused Mr. Draco before he realised what we were talking about and blushed, giving us a death glare.

Suddenly we heard someone clear their throat. It was Harry. We seemed to have forgot he was there... Oops.

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