ꨄ7. Friendshipꨄ

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Its been 2 days now. Finally I got a reply from Malfoy. He said he would be able to meet up so i was definitely taking the chance to find out. We met at the 3 broomsticks and he looked so different! He had his hair up in a ponytail and he was wearing muggle clothes. Ok I have to admit... He's hot.

I sat at the table with him and greeted him. He told me to just call him Draco and so I did. We caught each other up on the past 13 years and he seemed shocked that I had an 11 year old with Ron.

Seeing as were getting married next month I asked him if he wanted to attend. I know, long time not to get married. We ordered fire whiskey and continued our conversation.

"Hey Draco, it's been 13 years and all but do you still like Harry." He blushed. "Like is a very mild way of putting it Hermione. It's to the point where my kid and Ted makes fun of me for it."

You have to admit it is a bit funny considering. I think I speak for everyone when I say I want those two to get together.

I heard a sigh. "Why is it that all my friends are getting married and I'm stuck being single." I laughed. Did he even realise what he just said.

We continued talking before I got bored and asked. Last time he said he would get a tattoo to cover the dark mark after I told him what a tattoo was. He showed me that he no longer had the mark but did in fact get a tattoo. I asked to see it and he pulled out his phone to show me a picture of it. (A/N: reference the image on top)

I liked the tattoo but was more distracted by the fact he had a phone. No one in the wizard work had a phone other than me. I asked him about it and got his number so we could stay in contact easier.

We talked for another hour or so before I left. I got home took a picture of my kids to send to Malfoy. And we continued talking over text until Ron got home.

"Hermione, why are you always on that muggle device? No one uses them other than muggles." I snickered at the statement. I called him over and showed him the pictures Draco sent me of him and his song Scorpius and some of the text messages. He fell dumbstruck.


A month went by and it was time for my wedding. We had the ceremony and it wasn't long before I found Draco. To my surprise, he was congratulating Ron. I know him and Harry had been getting along but Ron?


I have to admit, bit weird congratulating Weasley but it had to be done I suppose. Hermione hadn't told him I was the one that made the cake but what u don't know can't hurt you. I separated from the others and called Blaise. I hadn't found the time to tell him before, but now was as good as any.

I guess everything wasn't all bad. And it had 2 more months before Christmas. I still had to get the boys their gifts. After my call ended I turned to find Potter standing there. We started having a conversation.

"So... You and Ron seem to be getting along."

"A little more than I would've expected but I'm not making a fuss." I remarked. "You know Malfoy you changed alot."

"Ask Mione. Trust me, I haven't changed one bit. I just don't have to listen to Lucius." I laughed.

He seemed a bit shocked but what did he expect. He thought I acted that way because I wanted to.

"Hey Malfoy... Let's go out for lunch next time." Huh?

Did I miss hear something. I feel like I did. Before I had chance to think I replied. "Sure Potter, you have yourself a date."

Now I was embarrassed. He smiled and laughed. "How does next week sound?" I nodded agreeing to the day. What did I just get myself into.

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