❆4. Awkward ❆

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It was the day to see the boys off. We made our way to the train and began searching for Teddy. It wasn't long before we saw him running towards us. He jumped on me and Scorpius.

"You kept your promise!" We laughed. "Of course he did, he wouldn't break a promise to me. He loves me to much." Scorpius retorted smugly.

I was pretty much ready to see the boys off until I heard the most terrifying sound. Potter. We all turned to see Potter right behind me. Before any words could be exchanged, I hugged the boys and whispered to them that I was leaving. They both nodded and with that I left.


Huh? Who the hell was that guy? I looked to the boys who both seemed very secretive.

"Hey, mind telling me who that was." They both looked at each other before speaking. "That's my dad Mr. Potter. He's really busy today so he had to leave."

It made sense I guess. They both looked alike but he seems... Familiar.

I didn't stay much longer as the boys boarded the train. I headed home to relax because I had the day off.

Everything seemed to be going well in my life. No Malfoy problems, no war and I was getting married. Which I may or may not have put off planning for a while. I would've gone through with it quicker but, Teddy didn't seem to fond of Ginny, not to mention he had a fight with her this morning.

It seemed a bit odd tho. I told her we had to wait to plan the wedding but she keeps trying to rush.

When I got home I made some coffee and went into my study to finish some paper work. When I walked in, I noticed a letter on the table. It was from Ginny.

Dear Harry,
I know you've been busy with work and Teddy but I want to talk to you. Don't worry it's nothing bad but I think this is a long deserved conversation. Come find me when u don't the time.


What was this about. A bit odd but I didn't see a reason not to go talk to her. I finished the paper work and began looking around.

She didn't seem to be home right now but I guess that was ok. I decided to take a nap so I made my way up to my room. Within minutes I was asleep.


I woke up and checked the time. I had slept the entire afternoon away. I made my way to the downstairs living room. I saw her there.

"Hey Gin, you said you wanted to talk?" She sat me down and gave me a look. "Harry, when are we going to plan the wedding?" I was shocked. Why was it such a problem.

"I don't know Ginny. Why are you rushing tho, we have plenty of time."

"Because I want to."

"Uh huh... Now what's the real reason." I enquired. "What are you talking about?" She stared. I let out a sigh before continuing, "Ginny, normally your a lot more patient so why are you rushing." I stared as she bit her lip. She sighed and looked at me.

"Harry... I'm pregnant." With that, my world shattered.

I took a breathe to calm myself and then sighed. "Ok Ginny, whose the father?" She seemed surprised. "Do I need to ask again cause your a bit silent."

"What do you mean whose the father?! You are!" She huffed. I glared at her, "If you hadn't noticed, I haven't slept with you for half a year and your pregnant. I'm not a fool Ginerva, so who is it." She held her face in her palms and took a breathe.

"Cedric... Cedric Diggory."

My eyes widened in shock. I calmed myself before speaking again. "Why did you do it?" She looked at me upset. "Because you weren't giving me what I wanted and then... he showed up. Then you came and proposed to me. Now everything is just a mess. "

I took a breathe, "Get out." "What?" "Ginerva Molly Weasley, get out of my house this engagement is over."

She began crying, "But Har-" "No. I'm done. As you said I'm not giving u what u want so get out."

With that I apparated out of the house. I made my way to Hermione who seemed to have just got home. With that, I broke down. I told her everything.

She told me I could stay the night so... I did.

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