ꨄ6. Lets talkꨄ

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I sighed. We had completely forgotten Potter, even McGonagall had forgotten he was there.

"Can someone explain to me why a Death Eater is at the school with his child?" Teddy facepalmed himself and Scorp looked unamused. It was clear to them now why I didn't want Potter to know. I didn't have time for this.

"Potter, we can talk later, I'm sure Teddy told you where I live and probably also where I work so in the mean time I'm going to go properly greet everyone after 13 years." He nodded in agreement before leaving. I asked McGonagall to call all the teachers so I could give them a proper greeting and she agreed.


All the teachers entered and they were all shocked. So was I. Snape was still teaching but didn't realise my son was well... My son. I was shocked to see even Longbottom was a teacher now.

I gave a proper and formal introduction to them and explained my relationship with the boys. They all seemed shock and the boys seemed so little to proud. I guess it was fine. What I hadn't planned for was Snape hugging me before hitting me in the head. It was obvious he was still in contact with mother. We took our time to catch up before it was time for me to leave. It was odd but nice to see that I was welcomed by the teachers.

I apparated home to finally have some peace. Luckily, I had took time off from the café for the week so I could relax, not to mention I finished my book the other day soo was free for the time being.

The evening was almost over so I decided to have a bath. When I was done I put on sweat pants and a T-shirt before sitting in the livingroom to watch TV. The muggle world really was treating me well.

It wasn't long before I heard a knock on the door. I got up to open it only to find Potter. Oh bloody hell! I forgot about him... Again. I let out a sigh before letting him in.

He had a seat and I offered him tea before we got to discussing anything. Thankfully I had a red velvet cake I made earlier to eat. I offered a piece and he seemed skeptical. Of course he did.

Now the ridiculous questioning began. "What did you do to Teddy Malfoy." I looked at him. "Firstly, feel free to call me Draco, I hold no ill will to you Potter. Secondly, please explain what you mean because as far as I'm concerned I don't have the ability or stomach to eat children."

If he wasn't upset then he sure was now. "What did you do to my son Malfoy." I gasped.

"Oh my god. You called him your son! Your gonna adopt him! He's going to be so happy!" Potter looked shocked. "How did you know I was going to adopt him?"

I just stared. Was he being serious right now or did he completely forgot everything I'm sure Teddy told him.

"Potter, if you haven't realised, your not good with words and he tells me everything. Also if you must know, he is my cousin. We found out the other day while I was showing him photos of my family. Now mind asking any not so ridiculous questions. Your becoming more oblivious to your own actions as this conversation progresses."

"But... Aren't you a death eater?"

I held out my arm showing him that the mark was gone. Wow, you give someone you wand to help them kill a man but they still call you a bad guy.

I told him about the last 13 years after my trial and he seemed to understand. It took some time but we got rid of all the tension he brought into my house. We continued talking and we both decided to be friends. I didn't show it but I was ecstatic.


I had spent hours at Malfoy's house before deciding to leave. It was a lot more enjoyable than I had thought. Maybe I had the wrong idea about him.

When I got home it took me some time for everything to register. Seeing as Scorpius was 13 that means Malfoy was a single parent since he was a teen. Not to mention he's been living in the muggle world for all these years. No wonder no one heard from him.

The next day I called Hermione and Ron over to have a chat. I told them about everything even the situation with Ginny. Ron for the most seemed shocked. He was understanding about the situation with Ginny but very confused about Malfoy.

To my surprise Hermione didn't seemed to shocked if shocked at all. Actually she seemed... Glad.


Finally! I have been routing for Draco for years now and he finally came back and is doing something. When I found out he liked Harry I may or may not have wanted them to get together.

I asked Harry for Malfoy's address before I owled him. I NEED to see Malfoy. This was just way to perfect of a situation.

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