❆2. Big Problem❆

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It was the next morning and Teddy and I went down to my dad's café for breakfast. It took us about an hour to finish before we started to get ready to go to his place. I'm pretty sure it was going to be fine. I don't think anyone my dad knows personally could be there. No hate...actually... a little hate cause they hurt my dad but it's not like I'm meeting my dad's enemy.

I asked my dad for a cake to take with me and to my shock he already had one ready. Knowing I was going to be in the wizard world for the day just to be safe I told dad that he doesn't have to pick me up unless something happened. It was to my luck that my dad used to be a healer before he opened his café but I wasn't exactly fond of people that didn't like my dad.

I took the cake and we flooed to Ted's house. Just like I thought, this place was unnecessarily big. Honestly made sense why dad didn't want to live in his now. Ted had left before me so I know for sure he was inside talking to his godfather. I knocked on the door and Ted came out to get me. He pulled me to meet his godfather who was in their sitting room. 

I entered the room and regretted it instantly. I had to be the second most unlucky person in the world. My best friend's godfather was my dad's enemy and past crush, saviour of the world, Mr. blah blah blah himself, Harry James Potter. I groaned a bit before forcing out a smile, ready to greet him. I gave him the cake and remained without saying a word. 

"Hello there! I'm Harry Potter nice to meet you uh...?" I jumped a bit. "Oh...I'm Scorpius... n-nice to meet you." I really didn't want to be here now. Its not like I can say my dad hated him but he was a bit to stupid not to realise my dad liked him and his blaming my dad for everything was a bit much to say the least.

I felt a bit bad. My dad wanted me to be nice and...I am...mostly. He began making small talk with me but now I REALLY wanted to leave. Suddenly, like a god-sent my dad had just sent me a text. He texted asking how I was doing. I texted I was coming home soon. When i say soon, I really meant I was going to try to leave now.

"Sorry Mr. Potter. My dad just messaged and said its almost time for lunch so I should get going..." He seemed a bit sad that I didn't stay longer. Teddy on the other hand seemed to know I was lying. Of bloody course he did. I tried to walk out but I bumped into someone. It was a weird looking ginger lady. I politely apologized and she just ignored I was there. Oh well, not my problem. Dad told me be nice to any ginger no matter how annoying so might as well.

I stopped outside the house with Teddy so we could talk. It would be dumb to lie to him anyway. "Hey Ted... I...don't think I like being at your house." He was shocked. "What? Why not?!" I took a breathe then told him. "Teddy, remember how my dad said people in the wizard world don't like him. He was talking about your godfather and his friends." His eyes widened and seemed to not know what to do. I gave him a reassuring hug before leaving.


I was in the livingroom reading until I heard the door open. I got up to see who it was but was quickly interrupted by Scorp flying at me with a hug. Confused, I patted his head to help him relax a bit. It was odd cause he only did this when he was either really happy or really upset. Lack of words told me enough about his mood but...why?

"Hey Kiddo, what happened? You seem upset." He sighed with his face still in my chest. He began squeezing my shirt then spoke. "Dad... don't be to upset ok but... I found out something a bit irksome." Huh? Did someone drug my son or something? He took a deep breathe before he spoke again. " Dad... Teddy's godfather is Harry Potter. THAT Harry Potter."

Oh fuck.

"Did you tell him your last name?" Scorp looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh hell no! I might act dumb but I'm not that dumb. I told him my first name and avoided telling him your name at all costs. That was terrifying! Not to mention the rude ginger lady."

Oh Fuck me!

Not only did he meet Potter but he gave him a the cake and used me as the excuse to leave and now I'm gonna have to explain next time I see Teddy. Oh great. Days like these are when Scorp and I decide its best to have a father son sleepover. We went into my room and made the entire bed get to the size of the room. We both jumped on the bed as the water inside it cause us to jiggle around until we were on our backs sighing.

That was too much information for one day. I covered the two of us with the blanket and before following my son and drifting off to sleep.

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