ꨄ8. A day outꨄ

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The wedding was fun. I know Malfoy had one to attend next month from what he told me. All my friends are getting married and I threw my engagement out the window.

I know I asked Malfoy out to lunch but I had no idea where to go. I know he has been living in the muggle world for a long time so I might as well kill two birds with one stone and start buying people Christmas presents.

I apparated to his house to pick him up and he was dressed rather casually. He had on simple jeans and a hoodie. Something I hadn't noticed before was that his ears were pierced because I saw a cross hanging from his left lobe.

We left his house and made our way to the mall. I hadn't been to a muggle mall in such a long time that it feels... Odd. We walked about and made our way to a book store. We walked in and  began looking around. I wasn't sure what he was buying, much less for whom.

We bought a few books before going into the next store. It was a sports shop. I didn't understand why we came here but I still liked looking around. He bought a few things when we made our way to a café. We passed by a small jewellery store that left a bitter taste in my mouth.


Really. Why on our way for food does there have to be a jewellery store. I could do without the reminder that Potter is getting married.

I had a present for everyone but him. I can't buy it when he was right there it would be to weird. Not to mention I needed to go to the wizard world to get his gift.

We entered a little diner we found and sat down for lunch. It was a very odd little escapade if you ask me but enjoyable none the less.

Time had flown pass and it was a wonderful day out.

I had some time remaining and seeing as I hadn't visited mother in 13 years I thought now would be the best time. From what I heard she destroyed the manor so that she could rebuild it incase I ever came back. Thankfully she had moved in with uncle Sev so it wasn't difficult to track her down.

I apparated to his house not knowing what to expect. I knocked on the door and was greeted by... Tulip? The house elf I grew up with was here but I had freed her, not of her choice but I thought it was the right thing to do.

Upon seeing me her face glowed. It seemed she understood why I was there and so she called mother. When I saw her without a second thought I  ran up to her and hugged her. She seemed very puzzled.

"Sir, I'm sorry do you mind telling me who you are."

Oh right. I forgot I look different from when I was younger. "Hello mother. It's been a while hasn't it." Upon hearing my voice she broke down in tears.

It went from my hugging her to her squeezing all the life from my body. She dragged me inside and sat me down as she paraded me with questions. It was clear that uncle Sev hadn't told her.

I told her about my friendship with Potter and they. I told her about Scorpius and I told her about tonks' son. She was shocked to hear about the kids but delighted none the less.

"So Draco. Who is your wife?" That stung a bit.

"Mother I'm not married, I'm actually a single parent." She gasped. What did I just walk into.

"We should find you a nice young lady then." That hurt a lot more. Never thought the day I came back I'd have to explain this to my mother.

"Mother, the issue with that is that I'm gay."

She seemed to come to a realisation of sorts. "Oh, is that why you always talked about Mr. Potter?"

Was I that obvious! I know for sure McGonagall knew and so did Hermione but mother as well! My face turned red from all the embarrassment.

We chatted for a bit until I thought it was probably best I go home for the night. She reluctantly agreed.

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