❆3. Family❆

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Mr. Draco knows Harry?! I need to know what's going on. I am not loosing my best friend over something as stupid as him and his dad not wanting to talk to Harry.

I flooed over to Mr. Draco's house. I went looking for them. I opened the door to Mr. Draco's room and found the two of them there sleeping. Might as well join them.

I laid down with them and in moments fell asleep as well.

I woke up to someone shaking me. I barely opened my eyes to see who it was. Scorpius! I shot awake and hugged him. I turned to see Mr. Draco and hugged him as well. Both seemed a bit confused but soon began laughing.

We all left the room, making our way to the kitchen were we got tea and Mr. Draco, coffee. We sat down at that table before they both tried to speak but ended up laughing at the timing as well.

Mr. Draco took a breathe and then began to explain. Mr. Draco had offered his friendship to Harry but got rejected so he started being mean to him since then. When the war was going on he gave his wand to Harry to defeat the dark Lord but never got it back. When everything was over Harry's friends kept saying it was Mr. Draco's fault not knowing he was forced to be a death eater. When Mr. Draco had his trial, non of them showed up even though the court had asked them to.

Oh mother of Merlin. They cannot find out who Scorpius' dad is. Mr. Draco was so nice and different from what they thought of him. Now it made a lot more sense why he didn't want Scorpius to tell anyone who his dad is. They might try to kill him!

He patted my head. So much tension had built from the conversation that the room was now silent. He walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed one of his photo albums. He placed the book between us showing us the photos inside. It was of his mom's family! They all looked so pretty.

We continued looking through until we found a familiar looking picture. It was... My mom!

I look at Mr. Draco who seemed to be confused. I assume that means he didn't know either.

"Mr. Draco, that's my mom in the picture." He seemed shocked.

"Your aunt Tonks' kid?!" Said equally as shocked. We both looked at Scorpius who seemed to still be confused.


I started laughing. My mother's sister that by pure luck I met once, was Ted's mom.

"What is happening?" Scorpius said confused.

"Scorpius, Teddy is my... scratch that, our cousin."

His face lit up in joy and shock. In all the excitement, Teddy's hair turned from it's blue colour to a bright blonde colour.

It wasn't long before he had said something that shocked even me.
"I guess all secrets are family secrets now!" He said with a smile on his face. Scorpius and I were both laughing at the coincidence.

The boys had been friends for 3 years now, how did none of us realise.

He ask me to tell all the stories I knew about our family and so I did. He seemed so intrigued and so did Scorp. I never really talked about my family until now but it was quite fun.

Hours had passed and it was time for Teddy to go home.

We couldn't really see him much after that but he owled practically everyday. There was only a week left of time home. They had to go back to Hogwarts and I promised to see the both of them off. I know it's a bit odd but I look so different to how I used to so I can probably get away with dropping Scorpius off without anyone noticing it was me.

Scorpius and I decided to go into town and find the stuff he needed for class. We got his books in order and of course the little rascal chose Muggle studies and magical history.

We got his robes as well before setting  off for lunch.

"Dad, are you sure you want to drop me off? Mr. Potter is usually there." He asked concerned. I smirked and replied, "of course I will. You know I don't break my promises to you and it's not like I look like I did back then. If anything you look more like I did than I do." The little smart ass smiled and replied, "that's not what I meant. I know you LOVE him."

I felt my face flush as he began giggling. What on earth kind of child did I raise. Not to mention did he forget Potter is engaged. And from what they told me, it sounds like the woman is weaslette.

We finished our diner before making our way home. To our surprise Blaise was at my doorstep. Ok... I may have exaggerated a bit when I said I hadn't kept contact with anyone. Pansy was going around the world so we couldn't stay much in contact. Blaise visited every now and again. And Luna always owls.

I let him in and we talked for a bit. Apparently Pansy was back and they're engaged and they want me to be the best man. I agreed without much thought forgetting, they were getting married in the wizard world.

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