Chapter Seven

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Walking to room 3B, Wendy could see Seulgi through the clear glass door. She was sitting on the floor, panting in exhaustion from dancing for so long. She picked up her water bottle and chugged it, throwing it onto the floor.

Wendy opened the door, walking into the room and waving to Seulgi. "Hey Wendy!" Seulgi greeted. She stood up, wiping the sweat off her forehead. "What brings you here?" Seulgi asked.

"Oh, you haven't heard?" Wendy responded, leaving Seulgi confused. "Heard what?" Seulgi questioned. "Well, I'm your new manager!" Wendy said happily, Seulgi gasping. "Really!?" Seulgi asked in disbelief, Wendy nodding.

"I manage both you and Irene!" Wendy smiled. "Oh, Irene too?" Seulgi asked, her energy dying down after Wendy mentioned the other girl. "Yeah, why? Are you and her on bad terms or something?" Wendy asked, Seulgi shaking her head.

"No, not on bad terms, but she can be a bit much sometimes." Seulgi said, leaning against the wall. "How so?" Wendy asked. "Well, she isn't exactly when she doesn't get her way or when our management or staff slacks." Seulgi said, Wendy nodding.

"She gets angry?" Wendy asked. "Most of the time." Seulgi said, followed by a sigh. "Well, at least someone I'm familiar with gets to be my manager instead of some rando." Seulgi said, smirking. Wendy giggled.

"So, you look tired. Want me to get you some water?" Wendy suggested. "Ugh, please!" Seulgi said, laughing. She grabbed her water bottle off the floor and handed it to Wendy. "Do you know where the water fountain is?" Seulgi asked, Wendy shaking her head in response.

"I'll show you, let's go." Seulgi told the younger girl, opening the door for her. Wendy walked out the room first, looking across the hall to see Irene singing again.

"Come on, it's over here." Seulgi told Wendy, grabbing her hand to guide her. This caught Wendy off guard, but she still complied.

The two walked to the opposite end of the hallway where a water dispenser, fridge, and drink vending machine were located. "This is where I get my water most of the time. And here's a tip for future reference- don't ever put your drinks or food in that fridge. It's not safe with Winter around." Seulgi joked, making Wendy laugh.

Wendy saw the water dispenser, but didn't know how to use it. To be honest, she knew how to use a normal one; the ones with tubs of water at the top, but this one was like a machine. She didn't know if she was supposed to click a button or just put the water bottle underneath the dispenser and wait for water to magically appear.

"Do you not know how to use it?" Seulgi asked, Wendy's face heating up in embarrassment. "I'll take that as a no. Here, I'll show you." Seulgi said, extending her arms to reach around Wendy, their hands touching.

Seulgi held both of Wendy's hands, guiding them to the water dispenser. The scene looked like something you'd see in a cheesy romance drama. Wendy felt secure in Seulgi's arms, but in Wendy's head, she knew it was weird to feel like that. It was her first day on the job and she's already felt like this with both of her co-workers. What was wrong with her?

"You got it now?" Seulgi asked, pulling her arms away. But Wendy was staring into space, thinking about what just happened, her cheeks burning up as the water overflowed. "Wendy!?" Seulgi panicked.

Wendy pulled away from the machine once she felt the water drench her sleeves. "Ah!" Wendy exclaimed, water dipping on the floor. "It's okay, don't worry about it! I'll give you an extra shirt!" Seulgi said, clicking a button next to the machine.

"What's that for?" Wendy asked. "It alarms the cleaners incase there's ever any spillage." Seulgi explained. "Well, nevermind that, let's get to my room. I'll lend you a shirt." Seulgi reminded Wendy. "Okay, let's go."

♡ In Seulgi's room ♡

Seulgi looked through her closet for any clothes similar to Wendy's uniform, but found nothing. "Ah Wendy, I'm sorry, but I can't find anything like your uniform. Want a t-shirt while I put yours in the dryer?" Seulgi recommended, Wendy nodding.

She grabbed a white t-shirt with random greyish silver designs all over it. It looked like a shirt you would see American teens wearing in the early 2000's. Wendy grabbed the shirt, looking around the room.

"What is it?" Seulgi asked. "Where can I change? I don't see any extra rooms." Wendy told Seulgi, a wave of realization washing over her. There were no extra changing rooms, Seulgi's room was where she usually changed. It was a room for 1, really.

"Well?" Wendy asked, Seulgi growing nervous as she didn't know where Wendy could change. "Ah, well.. There's no extra rooms to change, and the staffs will get suspicious if they see me standing outside of my room since nobody's really allowed in here besides me.." Seulgi admitted, Wendy mentally face palming herself.

Seulgi turned around, crossing her arms. "You can change in here, but, I'll just.. Face this way.." Seulgi told Wendy, her face heating up. Not only in embarrassment, but her face was flushed red as well. Truth be told, she'd never been in a room with another person while they were changing. Even in her school days, she didn't change in the locker room with the other girls. She changed in the restroom stalls, by herself. It felt awkward and weird to change in front of other people, so she never did. But now, someone was finally changing in the same room as her. She couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

"Done!" Wendy said, Seulgi turning around her face turning more red. Seulgi wore a size bigger than Wendy, so she shirt she lent the younger girl looked loose on her. The sleeves went down to Wendy's elbows and she bottom of the shirt fell to the middle of her thigh.

"Okay, let's.. Get back to the practice room.." Seulgi said, covering her mouth a bit with her fingers as she held her face. "Actually, I need to meet up with Irene to see if she's finished with practice so we can go out. But, I'll be back tomorrow, guaranteed!" Wendy said, hugging the black haired girl. "Thanks for the shirt by the way!" Wendy smiled, walking out of the room and waving goodbye.

Sitting on the chair, Seulgi sat on her chair, leaving a late reaction to the brunette's actions. "You're.. Welcome."

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