Chapter Twelve

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Wendy stood up from the bed, feet stinging from the freezing cold tile on the floor. She put on a random pair of slippers, more than likely Irene's, and walked into the bathroom.

She opened the door and looked around. No Irene.

She checked the living room. No Irene.

The kitchen? No Irene.

Wendy walked back into the bedroom, and flopped onto the bed, looking around the room. "Where'd that girl go?" Wendy wondered. After more looking around the room, she saw a door she didn't notice before.

She got up from the bed immediately and ran to the door, opening it. "Irene?"

"Aaaah! Get out!" Irene screamed, Wendy closing the door immediately. She clasped her hands over her mouth, eyes wide open. She was acting like she'd seen the scariest thing ever. It wasn't scary though, just... Surprising. It's not everyday that you see your co-worker half naked, right?

(。・ω・。)ノ♡ in the car

The two sat silently in the car. No music, no small talk, just silence between the two. The energy was awkward and neither of them knew what to say. It was the worst car ride of their lives.

After a long awkward car ride, the two arrived to the SM building. As soon as they walked in, the two parted ways. Irene walked to the lounge and Wendy walked to Seulgi's practice room hoping to find her there.

She looked through the glass walls to see nothing but a speaker, couch, and phone charger. The excited look on her face faded. She really wanted to see Seulgi today, but maybe she's just not at work yet.

Just as Wendy was about to walk away, she heard someone scream her name. She jumped, turning around to see Seulgi running to her in her dance attire, hair tied in a messy ponytail, and sweat dripping down her face. Was it wrong that Wendy found that to be hot? Of course it was! Wendy cleared that thought from her mind immediately, running towards Seulgi as if they hadn't seen each other in years.

The two hugged, Wendy disregarding Seulgi's sweat getting on her suit.

"Why'd you get here so late!?" Seulgi asked, confusing Wendy. "Mr. Lee said to be here at 7 AM though, and it's 6:58 AM. That isn't considered early?" Wendy questioned. Seulgi laughed at her response, shaking her head. "I forgot you're new. Just know for future reference, whatever time he tells you to get here by, always get here an hour earlier." Seulgi said.

The two girls had small talk until Seulgi brought up the idea of going to the lounge for some coffee. Wendy agreed to the idea, the pair walking to the lounge together.

"You want sweetener?" Seulgi asked, Wendy nodding. "2 please!" Wendy replied, Seulgi nodding and walking away. Wendy sat at the same spot, tapping her feet on the ground and looking around the room until she made eye contact with a certain someone. That someone was Irene, of course.

Irene walked over to where Wendy was sitting and sat right in front of her. "Hey, let's just.. Forget what happened this morning. Yeah?" Irene told Wendy. This was the first time in a while that Irene struggled to pick her words. The situation just made the energy between the two girls awkward as ever.

They started talking before Wendy noticed in the corner of her eye, there was Seulgi, walking over to the table with 2 small paper cups of coffee and 2 pink packets of sweetener.

Irene turned around to see what Wendy was staring at, and saw the same sight, but in a negative manner. Irene ignored it and continued talking to Wendy before she felt something kicking her. It was Seulgi, kicking her chair.

"What do you want, Kang?" Irene said, giving Seulgi a cold stare. "I want you to get away from Wendy, that's what I want." Seulgi replied, giving Irene the same cold gaze.

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