Chapter Fifteen

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Wendy tapped on one of the notifications, Seulgi's to be specific, then started typing away.

Kang Seulgi

hey wendy, need
a ride to the

yeah, i do actually!

what time will you
be here?

i'll start going
now. address?

814 happiness

on my way 💛

Wendy left her home and locked the door, walking to the sidewalk and waiting for Seulgi to pull up. She thought it was fair to go with Seulgi since she had already gotten multiple rides from Irene. Plus, it would mean they could spend a bit more time together since Wendy had been hanging out with Irene so much lately.

After a few minutes, Wendy saw a silver car pull up. Seulgi rolled the window down, shouting at Wendy. "Hop in!" She shouted excitedly.

Wendy listened and immediately walked around the car, sitting in the passenger seat next to Seulgi.

"Do you know if Irene's there yet?" Wendy asked. Seulgi groaned. "Let's not worry about her, okay?" Seulgi asked, Wendy nodding. "Wanna listen to some music?" Seulgi asked. "Sure." Wendy responded.

Seulgi plugged her phone into the bluetooth wire, putting on her favorite song.

"Hey, I know this song, I love it!" Wendy said, noticing the tune of the song almost immediately. It was a song called "Don't Push Me" from the k-drama "Uncontrollably Fond". It was her favorite drama at the moment, and she was in love with the soundtrack.

The two sang the song together as they drove to the carnival, Wendy immediately forgetting about Irene, which was exactly what Seulgi wanted. She didn't even want Irene to be at the carnival, but if it made Wendy happy, she didn't want to interfere.

"We're here." Seulgi said, parking in front of the carnival. She had an upset look on her face as she laid her eyes on Irene through the window if her car. Irene noticed and started walking to the car, Seulgi rolling the window down.

Irene rested her arm on the window, leaning on the car. "So, where's Wends?" Irene asked. Seulgi looked next to her, Wendy making eye contact with Irene.

"Hey Wendy, you're finally here." Irene smiled, walking to the other side of the car. "Come on, let's go. I'll buy you some cotton candy and whatever you like." Irene smiled as she flirted. "Okay!" Wendy said, hopping out of the car.

Before walking through the entry gates of the carnival, Wendy looked behind her to see Seulgi sitting in the driver's seat, head in her hands. "Seulgi, you coming?" Wendy shouted, Seulgi throwing a thumbs up.

"Forget her, she's probably in a bad mood or something. Let's go play some games!" Irene said, trying to get Wendy to ignore Seulgi, and it worked.

Wherever Irene went, Wendy followed. They played games and won prizes, including a large blue stuffed bear that Irene won for Wendy.

After playing multiple games, taking cute photos and walking around, the two girls decided to get something to eat.

"Should we wait for Seulgi before ordering anything to eat?" Wendy asked, the question clearly irritating Irene. "Why do you care so much? She's being a bummer for some reason and probably drove off. Plus, this night is about you and me anyways, right?" Irene said, grabbing Wendy's hands and kissing each of them.

"No, well, I.. I just feel bad. I don't want to leave her out." Wendy admitted. Irene rolled her eyes and laughed at Wendy's confession. "Really, don't worry about her. Don't let her ruin our night." Irene smiled, holding Wendy's hands. "Come on, let's ride the ferris wheel!" Irene tugged at Wendy's hands playfully.

Before Wendy could protest, Irene has already pulled her away. The pair was only in the line for the ferris wheel for 10 minutes before they finally got on.

As soon as the two got on, Irene could see Seulgi running up to the ferris wheel through the window. She knew the ferris wheel tradition and knew exactly what would happen if they went on together. Unfortunately, Seulgi was too late. Irene smirked evilly and turned her focus back to Wendy, who was staring out the window.

"Wow, the view is beautiful from up here.. The lights look amazing, so does the sky." Wendy complimented the scenery in front of her.

"You know what else looks beautiful?" Irene asked, Wendy turning around, the two making eye contact.



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