Chapter Ten

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After the two girls finished their noodles, they decided to chat for a bit before Irene decided they should go.

"So, is there anywhere else you'd like to go?" Irene asked as the pair walked over to Irene's car. "No, not really.. Actually, could you take me back to the company?" Wendy asked, getting into Irene's black car and buckling herself.

"Why would you wanna go back there? Most newcomers hate and avoid that hellhole as much as possible." Irene said, snickering afterwards. "Well, I want to hang out with Seulgi some more!" Wendy said happily, and she wasn't lying either.

Seulgi and her weren't able to talk much since Wendy had made a mess and basically ditched her for Irene. Wendy felt bad and wanted to chat with the older girl some more.

"You don't find her a bit annoying? Or bothersome?" Irene asked. Wendy wore a shocked face, surprised at Irene's question. "No! She's so fun, she lights up the room! Why do you ask?" Wendy said, Irene tensing up. "Nothing, nothing at all.." Irene said, sighing and starting the car, driving away.

"Oh, and by the way, I don't have enough gas to drive all the way back to the company. You'll have to come back home with me, that's as far as my car will take me." Irene said, taking a turn, her apartment complex just down the street.

"So I'm stuck with you at your place?" Wendy asked. "You're making it sound like a bad thing." Irene told Wendy, the younger girl immediately feeling bad. "But yes, you're staying with me at my place." Irene said, the two girls walking into the same familiar building from earlier.

(A/N: listen to three wishes by the pierces or liability by lorde during this part ;p)

Once the pair entered Irene's apartment, it was already 7 PM and the sun was setting. With one of the walls being a large glass window, you could see the beautiful sky.

Pink and white clouds scattered across an orange sky. A heavenly scenery, Wendy's favorite. "Wow, you have a really nice view from up here." Wendy said, walking towards the window as she watched the clouds move across the sky. Irene followed

"Yeah, that's what I love about these apartments. Everyday I get home from work, I get to see a beautiful sight. Now I get to see two." Irene subtly flirted, Wendy's cheeks now the same color as the clouds in the sky. Wendy noticed that Irene was a smooth, flirtatious girl. Was she like this wish everyone, or was she special? It was a though that roamed Wendy's mind freely, but remained unanswered.

"Let's sit?" Irene asked, Wendy nodding. Wendy followed Irene to the couch, where Irene wrapped her arm around Wendy's shoulder. The question from earlier was running around in Wendy's mind. Was Wendy receiving special treatment or was this just Irene's attitude?

After practically cuddling together for about 10 minutes, Wendy couldn't hold back her curiosity.

"Irene, are you like this to everyone?" Wendy questioned, her heart beat immediately picking up. Irene seemed intimidating despite how close the two seemed to be, so this was a natural reaction for Wendy. "Like what?" Irene asked. "Dammit, why's she acting clueless!?" Wendy thought to herself. She was only growing more nervous by the second.

"Like.. This. You know, touchy, flirty.. Like that." Wendy tried explaining. Irene knew completely what she meant, she truthfully just wanted to be a tease. Irene let out a soft giggle, covering her mouth with her fist.

"No, I'm not. Honestly, I'm never like this with anyone. I don't quite know what's come over me." Irene admitted, removing her arm from around Wendy, releasing the younger girl from her embrace.

"Well, we should get going to sleep. We need to go in early tomorrow, especially you." Irene tapped Wendy's nose. "I'll show you my room. I'm gonna sleep on the couch." Irene said, standing up.

Irene showed Wendy her room. It was very tidy and spacious, same color as everything else in her house. Beige.

"Just get comfortable. I'll give you some fresh clothes for tomorrow. Goodnight." Irene said, leaving the room. She closed the door on her way out, leaving Wendy alone in the large room.

She laid in the queen sized bed, rolling around the large bed over and over again until she found a comfortable position to lay in. When she threw the blanket over herself, she could smell Irene's scent. It was a natural scent, cinnamon to be specific. Needless to say, Wendy was in love with the smell. It put her right to sleep.

A/N 2: i feel like this chapter kinda sucked? LOL plz leave your opinions in the comments 🙏🏻 i feel like especially the last paragraph could use some work

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