Chapter Eleven

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It was about 4 AM when Wendy awoke from her sleep, sweaty and confused. She sat up and looked around, noticing that she was in an unfamiliar room. After waking up a bit more, the memories from hours ago started flooding her mind. She rubbed her eyes, trying to adjust her vision to the dark that surrounded her.

The fear was uncommon in people her age, but it had lived with her since she was a child. Ever since she was young, Wendy was afraid of the dark. Well, she wasn't afraid of the dark, but what could be in the dark. The thought of a monster, demon, kidnapper or murderer hiding in the dark always sat in the back of her mind, but this time, it felt too real, especially now that she was in a house she wasn't used to being in. There was no sense of comfort, so she couldn't help but let the fear wash over her.

She laid back down, throwing the blanket over herself, accidentally knocking over the lamp next to her, scaring herself even more. There was a loud crash that followed. Wendy laid in bed, almost trembling in fear when she heard the door open.

The young girl shut her eyes tightly, hoping there was no one there. Then, she felt the blanket being ripped off of her. She gasped and almost let out a scream until she saw who it was.

"Are you okay?" Irene asked, hopping into the bed and laying on the opposite side of Wendy. "Yeah, I just.. Yeah. I'm okay." Wendy lied, feeling embarrassed that Irene had to witness that. Irene reached out for Wendy's hand. While holding her hand, she noticed Wendy couldn't stay still. She was shaking.

"Wendy, really, what happened? I know you're not shaking for no reason." Irene argued, Wendy feeling defeated. "I just got scared when you opened the door." Wendy lied once more, Irene believing her. "I'm sorry. I heard a bang and thought you were hurt. Did you knock down the lamp? It's on the floor." Irene pointed out.

"Yeah, sorry.. It fell when I moved the blanket." Wendy told the truth for once. "Well, I'm gonna sleep in here. Might as well. The bed can fit the both of us anyways." Irene said, grabbing the other blanket from the large bed, covering herself. "Let's try to get some more sleep. We have work in the morning." Irene smiled, Wendy smiling back.

The two dozed off. Eventually.

(。・ω・。)ノ♡ transition to 6 AM!

Irene woke up, drowsy as ever. She looked around to find herself in her room. "I thought I fell asleep in the living room last night.. Huh." She thought to herself. She pushed up, but fell back onto her bed immediately. Looking to the side of her, she could see Wendy weighing her down.

Blush spread over her face as she realized Wendy's hand and leg placement. Her hand was just below her breast and leg tightly wrapped around Irene's leg. Wendy's face was smashed against the pillow, drool all over the fabric.

Irene stared at Wendy and sighed. Was she always this pretty? Of course she was. Irene examined Wendy's face the longer she looked. From her rough eyebrows to her beautiful eyelashes, from her rosy cheeks to her nose. All the way to her lips. God, her lips. When asleep, they looked so soft and cushiony. Almost pretty enough to kiss. Almost.

The time was now 6:30 AM. Irene had spent an entire 30 minutes admiring Wendy's beauty instead of waking her up and getting ready for work.

Wendy turned around, wrapping her arm around the bundle of blanket next to her instead. Irene took this chance to get up and wake the other girl. She sat up and shook her shoulder lightly. Enough to wake her up, but not enough to scare her.

"Wendy? We need to get to work." Irene said quietly, shaking her shoulder again. Wendy slowly opened her eyes, turning around to face Irene. "Already?" Wendy said drowsily, shooting an arrow through Irene's heart.

"Y-Yeah. Work.. Already. Get ready." Irene spat out, then immediately walked into her closet while Wendy was still laying down.

Wendy sat up, scratching her head and looking around the room. "Huh, where'd she go?" Wendy wondered. She didn't hear any doors open, close, slam, or anything. Now she had to search.

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