Chapter Sixteen

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"Me?" Wendy asked, flattered by the compliment. She was trying to hide how flattered she was, but the blush and shocked expression on her face was exposing her.

"Yes, you." Irene assured her, smiling as she placed her hand over Wendy's. The space was small and the seats were so close together, so when Irene leaned closer to Wendy to connect their hands, their faces were extremely close. Irene stared at Wendy's lips, they were red, plump, and kissable. Irene went from looking at Wendy's lips, to making direct eye contact with the younger girl. "I can't decide if your lips or eyes are more beautiful." Irene flirted, only flattering Wendy more.

"You're too kind.." Wendy responded. She didn't know how to respond to any of this, nobody ever complimented her like this. The compliments she received were always about her hair or her outfit, but Irene was appreciating her looks more than anyone else ever did. It made her feel special, giving her a tingly feeling inside her stomach.

"Wendy, can I kiss you?" Irene asked, Wendy's only response was a nod, which Irene took as a yes.

Irene kissed Wendy, coincidentally at the same time the fireworks started up again. The feeling in Wendy's stomach grew more intense. It was a mix of being nervous, feeling flattered, and possibly a feeling of love. Whatever it was, it was a good feeling. A feeling that Wendy wanted to experience forever.

Soon enough, their cart on the ferris wheel reached the bottom and they had to get off. The two walked away, holding hands. Seulgi watched from the side, feeling crushed inside. She felt sad, angry, and betrayed. All of the emotions built up inside of her, causing her to burst into tears. She ran away, hiding her face in her hands, humiliated.

Irene and Wendy continued walking, until they both noticed Seulgi running away. Irene smirked, knowing what she had done. Wendy on the other hand, felt her heart sink into her stomach. She knew she shouldn't have left Seulgi alone, but she did.

"I'll be right back." Wendy said, tugging her hand away from Irene's, running after Seulgi. "Wendy!" Irene shouted, but not bothering to chase after her. "Whatever, they won't do anything.." Irene whispered to herself. She looked at the ground, kicking whatever rock was in her way to pass the time, waiting for her new possible lover.

♡ in the carnival parking lot...

After running what felt like a mile, Seulgi sat on a bench in front of the carnival, sobbing all alone. She looked at the clear sky. No fireworks, no clouds, just the moon and stars. The stars reminded her of Wendy. Whenever Wendy smiled, it looked like there were stars in her eyes. Great, now Seulgi was even more sad.

"Seulgi!" Wendy shouted, running towards the bench where she saw Seulgi sitting all alone. Seulgi looked at her, a sobbing mess. Her nose was running, tears were flowing, and her entire face was red. Now she was humiliated.

"Don't look at me.." Seulgi said, hiding her face in her hands again, turning her body to face the opposite direction of Wendy.

"Seulgi, you can talk to me." Wendy said in a soft and reassuring tone as she sat next to Seulgi, rubbing her back. "Just leave, please." Seulgi managed to say through her crying.

"I don't want to leave you alone again.. I'm going to wait here until you're ready to talk." Wendy said. "She's being so damn stubborn.. But, I'm almost glad she's staying." Seulgi thought to herself, cracking a smile.

"Okay, whatever, I'll tell you." Seulgi said, wiping her tears.

"I saw you and Irene kiss on the ferris wheel." Seulgi confessed. "Oh.. That's.. Really embarrassing.." Wendy said, covering her mouth with her hand. "But.. That's all that made you upset?" Wendy asked. "Do you.. Like Irene? I'm sorry if you do, she's the one who-" "No, I don't like Irene! I like you!" Seulgi confessed. She covered her mouth to shut herself up.

It had been 10 minutes until Wendy decided to interrupt the awkward silence.

"So, you really like me? You're not playing around with me?" Wendy asked. Seulgi nodded.

"This is difficult.." Wendy sighed, putting her head into her hands. "Tell me about it." Seulgi sighed.

Love Triangle ♥︎ WenSeulRene ✔Where stories live. Discover now