Chapter Seventeen ~ Finale

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"Honestly, I.. I like you too, Seulgi." Wendy admitted. Seulgi had a shocked, yet confused look on her face. "If you like me, then, why did you.." "Because, I like her too." Wendy said, clearly embarrassed.

"Well, that's.. Something. We need to talk to Irene about this." Seulgi decided. Wendy agreed and the two went back into the carnival to look for the older girl.

After walking around for about 10 minutes, they found Irene sitting at the food booth, drinking a cherry coke all by herself.

Wendy and Seulgi sat in front of Irene, Irene putting her drink down. "Seulgi, you done with your sob fest? You've been ruining the mood ever since you got here." Irene complained.

Seulgi just rolled her eyes. "We need to discuss something." Seulgi told Irene. "Is it important?" Irene asked, both Wendy and Seulgi nodding. "Well.. Let's go home then. I don't wanna discuss something import out in the open." Irene said. The two other agreed with her before they all walked over to Seulgi's car.

"Let's go to my place and discuss this." Seulgi said. Wendy agreed, and Irene had to agree. Irene was jealous since she wanted Wendy to come back to her apartment, but she wasn't going to put up a fight. She thought Wendy was all hers.

♡ at Seulgi's place...

The three girls were sitting in Seulgi's living room in silence. Seulgi was on the couch, Wendy was on the chair to the left, and Irene was on the chair to the right.

"So, what's up? Fill me in." Irene said with her legs and arms crossed. "We don't have all night. I have a recording tomorrow." Irene complained, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, okay.. Well.. I think Wendy should be the one to say it. It involves her mostly." Seulgi said. Wendy looked nervous, but knew what had to be said.

"Irene, I like you. Our kiss on the ferris wheel meant a lot to me, since it was my first kiss with a woman and the only kiss I've ever had that made me feel so.. Special inside." Wendy said. Her words were tugging on Irene's heart strings. She felt the happiest she's ever been.

"It meant a lot to me, but.. You're not the only one I like. I also like Seulgi.. She makes me so happy and I feel so comfortable around her, like I can tell her anything and I won't be judged!" Wendy continued, her words making Seulgi blush.

"I love you both very much, and I know you both feel the same, but the problem is.. I don't know which one of you to pursue." Wendy admitted. "Wendy, think hard about this.. Who means more to you? Me, right?" Irene said in a soothing, loving voice.

"Don't put her in that position, you're gonna make her nervous!" Seulgi argued with Irene. "Don't tell me what to say! You only don't want me asking her because you know the answer is obvious." Irene said smugly.

"Ugh, don't be full of yourself! Wendy, do you really want to date this selfish hog?" Seulgi said rudely. Irene gasped at Seulgi's insult. "Well would you want to date a rude bitch like her!?" Irene argued.

"Stop, if you keep acting like this, I won't want to date either of you!" Wendy shouted, the two others immediately going silent. "So.. You both really love me, right?" Wendy asked, the two girls nodding.

"Then.. I have a proposal that'll work out for all of us, but may be rough in the beginning." Wendy said. "What is it?" Irene asked.

"Well, I was thinking we could all be together!" Wendy suggested with a smile. Irene's jaw had dropped, and Seulgi was just taken aback.

Irene and Seulgi made eye contact before Irene broke the silence in the room. "You can pursue me like you wanted to in high school." Irene smirked. "What!?" Wendy said in surprise.

"She liked me for 2 years in high school until I graduated, then we never saw each other again until we were both trainees." Irene said. "So.. Despite this sounding crazy, I don't think I'd mind it too much." Irene admitted.

"Seulgi?" Wendy said. "I don't think I'd mind it either." Seulgi responded.

"So, Irene, will you be my girlfriend?" Wendy asked. "Yes!" Irene responded happily. "Seulgi, will you be my girlfriend?" Wendy asked. "Of course." Seulgi said, smiling.

♡ end ♡

A/N: I'm honestly really happy with this fic, and it's definitely one of my favorite fics I've written! Thank you all for the undying support despite my long breaks and hiatuses throughout updating this story. I hope you all enjoyed ^_^

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