When Jan Saw Me In My Underwear

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(Sorry about the depressing title)
It was Saturday. I was sleeping in.
Everything was right with the world.
Until I heard knocking.
"It's open," I said groggily.
"Is it okay if I walk in?" Said the voice.
I thought it was Clara in my tired state.
I sat up and got the worst surprise ever (besides terminal illness).
An 18 year old Asian girl with tan skin, dark, curled hair with blonde tips and glasses stood in the doorway.
I hadn't seen Jan in years.
And she hasn't said a word to me since Lucy.
I got up and remembered I was in nothing in my boxers.
"Oh! Oh sorry! I thought you were someone else and if I knew it was you I swear I would never...um...I'll be right back.."
I grabbed some jeans and pulled them on in my bathroom then went back out with Jan.
"We haven't spoken in five years, Luke," Jan said. "So, you know there is something wrong."
"Jan, what's going on, are you alright?" I said.
"I need to give this to you," Jan said.
It was an envelope with Luke written in neat calligraphy.
"Don't read it now," Jan said.
"Did she write this?" My heart tightened.
Jan nodded.
"Yeah. I promised her I would not let you read it right away, she said you'd know the right time," Jan said. "Clara. Are you two dating?"
"Yes, but nothing is exclusive quite yet," Luke said.
Jan chuckled.
"Luke Hemmings, the guy girls practically drool over and send you anything for you to notice them, yet you always fall for the wallflowers."
"They're the best ones," I said. "Every one of them are and will be."
"Thank you, Luke," Jan said. She stopped. Her eyes traveled to me bag.
"No!" I said.
I pushed the CVS bag into a drawer and closed it.
"Luke.." Jan said.
"Don't tell Clara," I said.
"Are you going to?" Jan said.
"Of course," I said. "Thank you for the letter, Jan."
I placed it under my pillow and Jan left me.

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