A while back, Amy made me read a book called Paper Towns by John Green.
The book is about this epic girl named Margo. She loved a good mystery. She ran away, but left clues for Q, the boy who had a crush on her, to find her.
Clara reminded me of Margo.
And Q said in the book:
"The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracle."
Margo was Q's miracle.
Margo said everything is a 'paper town.' Everything is uglier up close. Like, when you get closer, you see the broken parts.
Far away, Amy and I look normal. But, close up, you see my lip ring, my body issues because I use to be fat, how I use to cut. You see Amy use to cut, she has anorexia, she was abused as a kid, you'll our ass load of bracelets.
Amy and I tend to live by something we call "Miracles of paper."
People don't bother to look close at us. Our miracle is that no one can see how ugly we are up close.
But, I'm starting to see that Clara is my other miracle. But, I don't know if she should see my ugly parts. My paper town.
After I read Paper Towns, I wanted a Margo.
I went through a phase where I thought Amy was Margo. Amy tries to live to the max. So I silently had a crush on her, but not for long.
But, I wonder if Clara might be my Margo?
I once thought Lucy was my Margo, but she was too shy. I thought she wouldn't be a Margo, but there was this other part from Paper Towns where we find out Margo isn't who we thought she would be. We saw Margo for what Q saw her. That wasn't Margo.
That wasn't Lucy.
I haven't thought that Lucy would be my Margo until she pulled a Margo one night.
I was sleeping in my room (as a person does) and Ashton was on the bunk underneath.
(Now, I haven't explained my school's architecture. There is a long, one story, building where the rooms are. To the left is the streets.
To the right were the classes and stuff.)
Then I heard a crash coming from my bathroom.
I sat up and grabbed something. I think it was a guitar or something?
Anyway, so I had walked into bathroom, where my only window is. Ashton didn't wake up.
I had my back against the wall.
Then, quickly, I opened the door and held my guitar over my shoulder (I don't know what my plan was? Smash them with my really expensive guitar? Um...no fifteen year old Luke, stop it) and Lucy was there with with black hoodie. My guitar was inches from her face.
It occurred to me that she could have been really hurt if I didn't stop.
"Lucy?" I hissed.
I was in my boxers. It was like Jan.
Lucy smirked.
I'm use to her being a shy little kid.
But here? She was...Margo.
"Let's have a night to remember," Lucy said, pulling out a list.
I wanted to be Q. I wanted to be a ninja.
"Lemme get some clothes."

JugendliteraturLuke Hemmings had it all. People loved him, girls loved him, he had great friends. He was content. Then Clara, a death is a side effect of life kind of girl, comes in his life loaded with sassy comebacks. But much like Luke, Clara has a dark path th...