Chapter 1: New beginning

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TW: Very vague mention of abuse!!

Avery's POV:

"Where we goin' mommy?" I ask, looking out the window.

"God, I cant handle it anymore. I cant do this, I'm not cut out to be a mother! I never wanted this!" I hear mommy say. She keeps yelling and it's scaring me. I don't know where we're going. I wanna know where we're going.

"Mommy, where are we going i asked."

"JUST SHUT UP AVERY," she screamed. I flinched at the harsh tone of voice that she used and immediately start to cry.

"No, you will not start with your bullshit! Shut up and stop crying! Nobody hit you so there is no need for you to be crying!" mommy yelled. My tears won't stop. Daddy sits next to her but says nothing.

"Daddy, mommy scary," I sobbed, hoping he'd do something.

"Avery, just be quiet. Just shut your mouth," he said. Im trying to be quiet but I just cant.

"I- Im sorry, mo- mommy," I cried hoping she'd forgive me. But instead she pulls the car over, gets out, opens my door, and SMACK.

"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP," and SMACK. "You never fucking listen child! That's why we're leaving. We never even wanted a child but to have you as one, fucking nightmare!"

They're leaving me?

"Come say goodbye to the crybaby, Ronnie." Daddy gets out of the car and comes over to me. He hugs me and says, "See you never, mi amor."

They drag me to a park. I see lots of kids with their mommies and daddies. Why are mine leaving? I don't want them to go.

"Mommy, I don't wanna," I stop dead in my tracks. She huffs and picks me up forcefully. I start to get worked up again.

"I promise i'll be a good girl, mommy! Please don't leave me!" I yell. They set me down. I stop and stare at everything for just a second and when I turn around again, they're gone. And i'm alone.

Lizzie's POV:

Today, I'm at the park with Scarlett and Rose. Rose wanted me to tag along so of course I had to come. Im sat on a bench, talking with Scar as Rose plays on the playground. I look over and see a little girl, no older than 3, standing there crying. Just then, Scarlett informs me that her and Rose have to leave.

"Liz, me and Rose have to go now. Im sorry for leaving so abruptly, I didn't know we had something to do. Would you like me to drive you home?" Scarlett says.

"It's totally okay. And thanks but i'm fine. Im gonna go in a little," I reply. I then look at Rose.

"Bye, bye munchkin."

"Bye Auntie Lizzie," she replies and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Scar, I love you. Thank you for inviting me you two."

"Of course Liz, we love you. Bye."

When they finally leave, I look back over to where I saw the little girl but she is no longer there. That is until I look towards a bench where I see her sitting, still crying. Nobody has even looked at her. I feel my heart break at the sight of this poor baby. I decided to walk over to her.

"Hey baby, where are your parents?" I ask. She looks up at me, her cute little baby face stained with tear tracks and snot coming down from her little nose.

"Bye- bye," she said and started crying again. Did her parents leave her? I sit down and make an effort to sit on her my lap but she squirms in my arms.

"Ouchie," she sobbed. "I want mommy and daddy."

"Aw, baby. What's your name?" I asked her.

"Avery," she said in a quiet voice with little hiccups from crying so much in between.

"Hi, Avery. That's a very pretty name. Im Elizabeth but my friends call me Lizzie. Do you want to call me Lizzie? I think we're friends, right?" I tell her, trying to make her a little bit happier.

"Hewwo, Wizzie," she said in a cute little baby voice.

"How old are you, baby?"

She holds up three fingers. She's a baby. Who would do such a thing.

"Do you want to come in my lap?" I ask in a gentle voice. I want her to trust me.

She thinks about it for a second and then nods hesitantly. She slowly crawls onto my lap. She laid her head on my chest and cried some more. I just held her and swayed side to side.

"Ouchie, ouchie," she kept repeating.

"What's ouchie, baby? What hurts? Can you tell Lizzie what hurts?"

She points to her legs and arms. I lift her pants up to discover large bruises covering her little legs. I gasp at the damage and then roll up her sleeves. Her poor little arms are also covered in bruising. What am I going to do?

"Okay, baby, okay. You're okay, love," I cooed, trying to get her to calm down. "Do you wanna come to my house?" She lifts her head up off my chest and shakes it. "You ouchie?" she cries.

"Hey, no. I won't hurt you, sweet girl."

"You no hurt me?" she asks. God, why would you do this to a baby? She doesn't deserve it.

I shake my head at her comment. "No baby, I won't hurt you."

"Otay," she says, her voice small.

I pick her up and call an uber since I didn't have my car.

"Tired," she says.

"Close those eyes, beautiful girl. Im right here."

We soon arrive at my house. When I look down at the little human in my arms, she's sleeping. I sit on the couch and take her shoes off. I lay her down comfortably on my lap and then I too end up falling asleep.

What a day.


hey everyone! i hope you enjoyed chapter 1! This chapter is a little shorter but they will be longer. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

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