Chapter 4: My best friend, Scarlett

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Scarlett's POV:

Me and Lizzie look at each other. Here we go.

"Why is her car out front I asked," he said, his tone getting louder. He finally walks in and sees Lizzie sitting next to me.

"Hey Colin," I said in a nonchalant way. With Avery and Rose upstairs in the other room, we don't need his unnecessary yelling and his ability of starting problems over nothing.

"Don't 'Hey Colin' me. What is she doing here?" he says as he points to Lizzie. Lizzie is sitting beside me with a worried look on her face. She doesn't really like Colin and well, Colin doesn't like her.

"She's sitting beside me and we're watching a movie. What is your problem?" I respond. Im not trying to start anything but I do not have time for his shit.

"Don't give me the attitude, I'm just trying to talk. I get off of work and want to spend time with my wife and daughter, not with her." He's getting irritated. I sigh. I really don't need this right now.

"Would you like to join us?" I ask him. Something in him switched and he lost it.

"I am so fucking tired of having her around all the damn time. You're with her more than you're own husband and you're always dragging Rose to see her. I want to spend time with my family and you're never around!" he yells. Now he wants to act like a loving husband and (step) father.

"Don't give me that bullshit again. You make absolutely zero efforts to be with us ever. But as soon as Lizzie is mentioned or involved I quote on quote 'don't spend enough time with you'? Now you want to start acting like a loving husband and father. But where were you weeks ago when I called you for hours on end after you didn't come home from work at your normal time. Where were you when Rose would ask you to play or watch a movie and you told her you had work? Where were you when I tried cooking you dinner or even fucking cuddling you in bed? What happened, Colin?"

By the time I had finished speaking I had tears pouring out of my eyes. I was so fed up with him. What had happened to the man I fell in love with? I look over at Lizzie and she has tears in her eyes that are threatening to fall but she blinks them away and quickly wraps her arms around me when she realizes that i'm crying. Colin is standing there, running his hands through his hair in an angry manner while giving me a look of disbelief.

"I'm here now. We can restart," he tries. But i've heard enough from him today.

"No, Colin. Not right now we cant," I shake my head and wipe my tears while cuddling further into Lizzie's embrace.

He grabs a plate and smashes it on the ground. "You cannot do this Scarlett. You know you love me." I chuckle dryly at his comment before hearing him continue. "What, you don't love me anymore? Do you love Lizzie? Are you in love with her Scarlett? Are you a dyke?" I just stare at him. I don't even know what to say to his words. I feel Lizzie squeeze me tighter.

"Get out, Colin. Go."

He rips his jacket off the hanger and slams the front door. As soon as he is out of the house, I let out a sob. Lizzie pulls me into her as she whispers sweet nothings into my ear to calm me down. We stay like that for a while until my sobs subside and turn into sniffles.

"Oh my god, the girls," I nearly yell. Lizzie and I run up the stairs and into Rose's room, only to find that it was empty. We walk into my bedroom to see that both of the girls were laying in the middle of my bed, wrapped in each other's embrace, crying. As soon as they saw us, Rose came quickly over the me while Avery went quickly over to Lizzie.

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