Chapter 5: Sleeping beauties

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Scarlett's POV:

I slowly open eyes. I let my eyes adjust to my surrounding and I look at the end of the couch to see Lizzie sleeping with a book from my nightstand in her hand and my legs on top of her lap. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep.

I then look on the other side of the couch to see the two little girls covered by Rose's blanket, snuggling close, with their eyes closed and small little snores leaving both their mouths.

It's later in the afternoon, like 6, and Colin isn't back yet. I don't even know when he will be back. It could be in 5 minutes or it could be hours, or days. Either way, I don't plan on being here when he gets back.

I start to move and that causes Lizzie to open her eyes. As her gaze lands on me, she smiles.

"Hi," she says in her sleepy voice.

"Hi," I reply with a sleepy voice of my own.

"How do you feel?" she asks me. I start to nod slowly. "I'm feeling a lot better. Are you sure it's okay for me and Rose to stay with you?"

"Of course it's okay for you and Rose to stay with me. In fact, it's more than okay because that way I can keep an eye on you and know that you're safe."

"We shouldn't be there for too long-," I was cut off by Lizzie.

"Actually, you're gonna stay as long as possible. I don't want you here with him. And I want to be able to watch you and be with you without anyone complaining about it," she says.

"I love you Liz. Thank you for being my best friend."

"I love you too Scar."

Our little conversation was interrupted by a little whine coming out of Avery as she slowly starts to wake up.

"Mama," she whines.

Her whining causes Rose to stir awake.

"Mama," Avery repeats. Lizzie slowly moves my legs off her lap and gets up to get Avery.

"Hello my sweet girl. How was your nap? It looks like you had a good one," Lizzie says to Avery with a small chuckle as she pushes  the hair stuck onto Avery's face with sweat back. Avery has marks on her face, indicating she had one of those really good naps.

Avery responds by nuzzling her head into the crook of Lizzie's neck. Lizzie is swaying side to side when Avery's gaze lands on me. She lifts her head up and looks at me. I smile at my niece and then she makes grabby hands for me. I giggle at her and make grabby hands back at her. Lizzie laughs at us and hands Avery over to me.

Avery is sat on my lap as I am now in a sitting up position. She throws herself forward and wraps her tiny arms tightly around my neck.

"Aunt Scarlett," Avery whispers.

"Yes, baby?"

"I wove you."

I smile widely at the little girl in my lap, who's cuddling me and playing with strands of my hair.

"Well, I love you too. Don't tell anyone but you're my favorite niece," I whisper back to her. She giggles and it makes me smile so wide. She's got the cutest little laugh. I look over to see Lizzie running her fingers through Rose's hair and she's smiling at the interaction between me and Avery.

Lizzie's POV:

I smile at my best friend as she interacts with my daughter. The two people I need in my life.

Rose has her head on my lap and i'm running my fingers through her pretty blonde hair. I look back at Scarlett and see her resting her eyes while Avery just lays on her chest.

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