Chapter 2: Lizzie's sweet little girl

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Scarlett's POV:

After leaving the park, I call Colin. As far as I know, we had no plans for the day. So why am I all of a sudden getting angry texts from Colin asking why me and Rose aren't home. I am angry but mostly, I'm confused.

After a couple rings, Colin's angry voice booms through the phone.

"Where are you? I come home from work and the house is empty. Where did you go? Why didn't you tell me? Why do I always have to be asking where my family is?"

He's slurring his words, he's drunk. What has gotten into him lately? This isn't the same man I fell in love with.

"Colin, I told you twice this morning that me and Rose would be out with Lizzie and I told you last night. So don't blame that on me because I did tell you. And you're always at work or out late so that is not our fault," I yelled at him through the phone.

"Of course you were with Lizzie. Why do you spend more time with her than your own husband? Why is she more important than me? How come you're always dragging Rose to see her?"

"Do you even hear the bullshit that's coming out of your mouth right now? Why am I always dragging Rose to see Lizzie? Are you kidding right now? One; Rose loves Lizzie and she chooses to be with Lizzie when she wants to. And two: Lizzie was there for me and Rose before you came along so do not start talking shit about my best friend."

"I don't care if she was there before because I am here now and I should be your priority."

"Well news flash Colin, Rose is my first priority-," Just then I get a call from Lizzie. "You know what Colin, I don't want to talk to you right now. Lizzie is calling me. Goodbye."

"So you're going to hang up for her-," and I ended the call before he got the chance to say anything else.

I answer Lizzie's call. "Hey Liz, what's up?"

Lizzie's POV:

I slowly open my eyes to feel something heavy on my legs. I look down and see Avery still sleeping on my lap and suddenly all the memories from earlier came back to me. I need a plan because I can't just keep this kid but I also don't want to let her go.

I cant do this alone, I need my best friend.

I dial Scarlett's number and soon enough her voice fills my ears.

"Hey Liz, what's up?" she asks. She sounds a little stressed, maybe I called her at the wrong time. "Hey, did I catch you at a wrong time Scar?"

"No, no you're fine, Liz. What's up, why'd you call?"

"I have something to tell you and I need your advice. I won't be able to handle this alone. And it sounds like i'm about to tell you i'm pregnant, which i'm not, but this is very close to that," I say to my best friend on the phone with a nervous chuckle. Just then, Avery starts to stir awake. She lets out a little whine.

"Sh, sh, baby you're okay," I tell the little baby in my arms, forgetting about Scarlett on the phone.

"Um, Lizzie?" I hear her say over the phone.

"Oh, Scar, I have to go. Can you come over?" I reply.

"Yeah, sure. I know somethings up. I'll see you in a bit, Liz. I love you," she says. "Bye, Aunt Lizzie," Rose screams. I chuckle. "Bye, loves. I'll see you soon."

I hang up the phone and turn my attention to the small girl in my arms. She's laying across my body and her little fist has a tight grip on the neckline of my shirt. I brush some hair out of her face as her eyes adjust to the light. "Open those beautiful eyes for me, my sweet girl," I say to her as I trace her nose.

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