Chapter 7: Morning sickness

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Scarlett's POV:

At the extremely early time of 4:47am, I was sprinting to the bathroom. I knew the morning sickness was coming because I had held it off for longer than I thought.

But here we are, sitting on the bathroom floor with tears in my eyes as I empty my already empty stomach into the toilet. Doing this while pregnant with Rose was absolutely horrible and I am so not looking forward to doing it again.

Just a few seconds after I ran into the bathroom, I heard footsteps running after me. I have been sleeping with Lizzie in her bed so it was obvious she would've woken up. Except I hate waking her up because it's not fair to her.

"Lizzie," I whimper.

"Sh sh, you're okay," she whispers while holding my hair back.

I continue to throw up, gradually getting more and more worked up. "Alright, you're okay," Lizzie says to me while rubbing my back. I continue to cry. When I finished throwing up, I washed my hands and mouth and then broke down, again. Lizzie wrapped her arms around me and guided me to the floor. We sat down and she held me and rocked us as I let emotion consume me.

Once my cries have died down, she guided me back to her bed. She laid me down and covered me up. She rubbed my cheek and kissed my forehead. At this point it was 5:03am.

"I'm going to check on the girls and then i'll be right back."

When she came back and got into bed, she pulled me closer to her and I instantly cuddled up. She put her hand on my stomach.

"Hey nugget, stop causing your mama so much pain. That's not very nice," Lizzie talks to my stomach. I laugh at her and soon feel my eyes get heavy. "Go to sleep Scar, you need it." And with that, I drifted off.


7:22 am.

I cover my mouth as I feel a wave of nausea take over my entire body. I sprint to the bathroom once again and kneel in front of the toilet, dry heaving into the toilet as I have nothing to actually throw up. I try holding my tears back but hormones are crazy and everything makes me cry, especially feeling like this.

I hear two pairs of little footsteps in Lizzie's room, indicating that the girls are awake. I wish I could be more help but I honestly just feel like laying in bed and not moving for days. I just hate that Lizzie has to not only deal with her toddler but with me and my kid.

I hear Lizzie talking to the girls. "Good morning my beautiful girls."

"Where's Auntie Scarlett?" Avery asks.

"She's not feeling very well."

"She sick?"

"Yeah, so we have to be on really good behavior because we don't want her to stress."

"Okay mama."

"Okay Rosie Roo?" "Mhm."

That little conversation in itself made me breakdown crying.

"Okay, you guys wanna lay in here with us?" Im assuming the girls nodded since I didn't hear them say anything.

I kneel, arched over the toilet as I cry and throw up at the same time, which by the way is not a good mix, when I hear Lizzie's bathroom door open. I hear Lizzie come sit next to me but I don't dare look at her, knowing it will make me cry harder.


"Hm," I say as I peer up at her. "Are you okay?"

I just nod and she wipes the tears off my cheeks. As expected, I start crying a little harder. "I- Im just so grateful," i'm interrupted by a sob. "so grateful for you." She holds me. Lizzie puts her fingers under my chin and lifts my head so i'm looking at her.

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