Chapter 6: Doctors make you cry

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3rd person POV:

Sure enough the next morning, Lizzie's alarm clock blared at 8:30 in the morning. With a small groan, Lizzie turns off her alarm clock but feels extra weight on the bed. She turns over to find none other than her best friend laying next to her, fast asleep. She chuckled to herself wondering when Scarlett had snuck into her bed.

She stands up to use the bathroom before waking up her baby girl. She quietly enters Avery's room. She walks over to the 3 year old and rubs her cheek to slowly wake her up. She's cautious not to be too loud as to not wake up Rose. Avery and Rose insisted that they sleep together. Avery starts to stir and slowly opens her eyes to look at her mama.

"Mama," Avery says in the sweetest morning voice. Lizzie pushes Avery's bed hair out of her face and lifts her up onto her hip when Avery makes grabby hands at her. The mom and daughter leave the room to let Rose sleep a little longer.

Before heading downstairs, Lizzie peers into her room again to check on Scarlett. Seeing that Scarlett was still fast asleep, Lizzie kept going downstairs. She sat Avery on her lap as they sat on the couch. Lizzie dreaded what was about to happen because she didn't know the reaction she was going to get. But here goes nothing.

"Avery," Lizzie says to get the girls attention.

Avery looks up at her with her big blue eyes.

"Have you ever been to the doctors?"

At that, Avery freezes. She stared at Lizzie and doesn't move an inch. Then she slowly starts shaking her head as tears well up in her eyes. And suddenly, the quiet morning turns absolutely hectic.

Avery harshly shakes her head side to side and starts to sob. She throws herself further onto Lizzie and wraps her little arms around her mama's neck. She digs her head into Lizzie chest and cries.

Lizzie sighs. This is the reaction she was expecting but for some reason didn't expect it when it came. She hugged Avery close and whispered sweet nothings into her ear in an attempt to calm the toddler down. Knowing that Rose and Scarlett were upstairs, Lizzie walked out into the backyard.

"Shhh, baby, it's okay. You're fine, mama will be with you the whole time," Lizzie tried.

"Mama no. Doccer bad," Avery cried.

"Avery, the doctors are going to help you. They're going to make sure you're okay  and when you're sick they make sure you're all better."

"Mama please," Avery begged. What have they done to this poor girl?

"Come on baby, you're okay," Lizzie repeated, bouncing her baby up and down in her arms.


Lizzie walked back into the house. Avery had calmed down after a while. She was still reluctant on the whole 'going to the doctors' thing but it has to be done.

"Nobody seemed to be awake yet," Lizzie told the little girl in her arms. As if on cue, a door opened upstairs. Lizzie walked towards the stairs and soon saw a very tired looking Rose.

"Good morning my Rosie Roo."

Rose waved at her aunt Lizzie while rubbing her eyes.

"Hungry," Avery whispered into Lizzie's ear. "Okay baby. Rosie, are you hungry?"

Rose nodded and slowly made her way downstairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs where Lizzie and Avery were standing, Lizzie ruffled Rose's hair in greeting.

Lizzie sat Avery down and the 3 year old took Rose's hand. They walked and sat on the couch while Lizzie turned on Scooby Doo. That was one of Avery's favorites.

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