Back to normal

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I was back in Shawns arms. And God damn did I miss this boy. Chloe's been hanging around me. Gilinsky and matt pulled me into Another room on my way to the bathroom. "Wtf do u want!" I said quietly. "Kyra I'm sorry. I-" I cut him off. "Jack do i look like I give one fuck about the shit u say. Huh? The only girl u should be apologizing to is chloe. Not me. I beat it ass cause u left her alone. U guys are asses and I don't want a damn thing to do with you until u fix the shit u have done. Got it!?" I said proudly. They nodded their heads in shame and walked out. "Kyra?" Nash walked in. "Ugh god! What nash?" I asked harsher than meant.

"Are you ok?" He asked. "Of Course why wouldn't I be," I said smiling. "Awe come on kk don't shut me out again, please don't slam the door, u don't have to keep your distance anymoooooorrrre! Cause for the first time in forever I finally understand! For the first time in forever we can fix this hand in hand! We can head down this mountain together! We don't have to be alooone!" He screamed and I started to sing with him, "nash please go back home, ur life awaits, go enjoy the sun and open up the gates,"we continued until it ended and had a laughing session.

"I missed you so much!" He blurted out. "️Haha missed you too nashty," I replied and went downstairs. I know what he meant but I can't get into that right now. I saw darla an Louis bear laying on the couch sleeping so I got some silly string and started to lightly spray their faces. Thank god they didn't wake up. Alittle bit later they woke up and got mad. I was on the ground laughing. "Kyra that's not funny! It's disgusting!" Louis and darla said in unison. "U guys I see have gotten close!" I said and winked causing them to blush.

"Kyra please just help me get CHLOE back?!" Jack said. "Fine!" I answered. We made a plan. Jack went to the hillside and waited while I was driving CHLOE there but she didn't know. We pulled up and CHLOE saw Jack. "Wtf are u doing I don't want to see him!" She whisper yelled. "Just get the fuck out and go see what he has to say." I said and pushed her out. I watched and finally Jack gets down on his knees and I see him crying. He held her hands and. Started to speak. "CHLOE please, I need you in. My life. I was scared and mad and when kyra came to beat the shit out of me she made me realize that I just threw away the best thing in the So please CHLOE will u be my girlfriend again." He asked and she said yes.

Jack and CHLOE took the truck...but forgot me! I mean seriously I was right there. So I had to walk back to the hotel. A car pulled up and it was shawn. "Hey sexy have you seen my girlfriend around? I just miss Tf outta her." He said causing me to laugh. "Well no sir but I don't think she's like u calling me sexy." And he chuckled. "Well u are quite a beautiful girl, actually U look just like my beautiful amazing girlfriend...wanna ride?" He said and I smiled. "No I think I'm good but Thx mister," I said and kept walking. Shawn ran up to me and kissed me softly,

"On second thought my feet are pretty tired!" I said and ran to his truck. "I love you so much kyra johnston!" He said and drove us back to the hotel. "I love you to shawn mendes!" Once we got back I made it to the room and went and pushed CHLOE and gilinsky off the bed and laid down on mine with shawn. "Wtf was that for!" She asked and I flipped her off. "U fucking left me u pricks, Shawn had to come sweep me off the street like a hobo!" I yelled at her. She rolled her eyes and laid back down with Jack.

I walked out and went to the 1D room and darla was on there. "Hey Niall bug!" I said and jumped on his bed. "Excuse me love but I believe this is my bed not urs." He said and I laughed and flipped him off. He came over and laid on top of me. "Actually UR quite comfy." He said and I laughed. Darla and Louis were sucking faces so me and Niall decided to ruin the moment for them. We went up to them and started to sing. "APPLE BOTTOM JEAN JEANS BOOTS WITH THE FUR, THE WHOLE CLUB IS LOOKING AT HER!!!!" We screamed and they broke the kiss glaring at us.

"Just spreading some harmony!" We said. "are u guys dating yet darla!" I said and se blushed and nodded. "Yaaas im a matchmaker!!!!!!" I said and they all laughed. We all hung out and watched Disney movies and after awhile I had forgotten that I left Shane alone. "Shit guys I gtg sorry." I said and they all said bye. Niall kissed my cheek and whispered bye.

I went back to the room and saw Shawn asleep on my bed. I jumped on the bed and sat on his stomach, leaning down to kiss him. He opened his eyes and smirks. "Hey Snow White what's up!" I said and he laughed. " isn't it supposed to be me kissing you passionately to wake u up!" He said and pulled me next to him.

"Probably but I'm manlier than you so suck it!" I spat. "Oh yea?" He said and sat on my waist pinning my arms to the bed. He leaned down to my neck. "U look so fucking beautiful right now!" Shawn said giving me chills. He wants wearing a shirt so I had a hard time concentrating on him. He kissed my neck. "Shawn, slow down babe," I said and he smiled. "Anything for u," and he laid by my side and pulled me in. We both fell asleep peacefully with a smile on our face. "Goodnight beautiful!" He whispered in my ear. "Goodnight handsome," I whispered back and dozed off to sleep. I'm back in shawns arms, CHLOE and Jack are all good, darla and Louis are great. Things are finally back to normal.

SORRY ITS SO SHORT GUYS. Most of the chapters are but yea. 1.15k reads. Thank you so much ily all and I hope ur doing good. Things are back to Normal....but not for long. ️Hahah

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