Dusk Till Dawn

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Harry awoke to Draco still peacefully sleeping on top of him, his head tucked under his chin, still snoring lightly "Baby?" He whispered as he gave a high pitched whine as he looked around to know where he was "I slept with you last night?" He panicked, getting up, grabbing his bag to get ready. Harry pulled him onto his lap, guiding his head back onto his chest. The blonde snuggled back into him, going back to sleep. Harry lied him down under his duvet, getting out of bed to pull the blanket over him, going downstairs to where Remus was.

Harry walked in the kitchen "Morning papa." "Morning baby, sleep well?" "I did, thank you. Where's dad?" "Still asleep, Draco?" "He woke up and panicked because he was in my bed but I got him back to sleep." "Bless." They both heard footsteps downstairs as a sleepy Draco came down "Morning gorgeous." "Morning." He smiled, tiredly, leaning his head on his chest. Harry wrapped his arms around him, stroking the back of his head "Are you still sleepy?" He shook his head "What happened?" "I had a dream, but a weird one," "Tell me about it angel." "Upstairs." "Of course." The brunette took him upstairs, closing his bedroom door. 

The blonde climbed back to his spot where he was laying. Harry sat next to him, keeping his hand on his back just in case "What happened sweet boy?" He asked, starting to rub his back. Draco looked down as his blushing came to a stop "I had a nightmare last night." "What was it about?" "You.." Harry cocked his head to a side in concern "Remember when Dad hit me?" "Yeah." "It was you this time, you were the one hitting me and the worst thing is that you were drunk." "I'd never drink or hit you. We would only play fight and tickle each other, but I wouldn't go that far." He explained, stopping his hands movements, moving to pull him into his arms, his head coaxed on a warm chest. Draco tightened his arms around his boyfriend's waist, closing his eyes while inhaling his scent "Going back to sleep beautiful?" He nodded, falling back to sleep in the safety of his arms.

A few hours later, Draco awoke to heavy knocking on the front door "I'm coming!" He ran downstairs to open the door to find Severus Snape by the door "Narcissa told me you would be here." "Why? Is everything okay?" "Is Harry with you?" "He said he would be out for a few hours." He then realised, running upstairs to get dressed, running back downstairs while trying to do up his belt as he felt a tight grip over his mouth "Draco, don't move." Lucius whispered in his ear. The younger blonde ran from his grip and punched his father in the mouth "That's for telling me how much of a disgrace I am to this family and from the abuse." He sneered, looking at his knuckles "Draco?" He heard the courage in Sirius' voice as he entered the house that afternoon "Where's Harry?" "I don't know." His voice shook as Harry came rushing through the open door just before the blonde collapsed from tiredness. 

Harry caught him before he collapsed, lifting him up, carrying him to the sofa "Severus, would you mind getting Draco a glass of water? Sirius get Lucius out of here and back to where he belongs, I can't bare to look at him." "On it." They said at the same time. Severus got the water, walking back over to his godson, stroking his blonde hair "H-Harry?" "I'm here baby, what's wrong?" "Just hold me." He whimpered. Harry climbed on the sofa with him, pulling him into his arms "Would you mind getting me a blanket for me?" "Of course." He got the white one from the armchair, covering them both with it. Harry rested his head on top of his boyfriend's head, closing his eyes for a bit.

The Evening came around, Remus came through the door finding Draco still asleep on the sofa but saw him kick the blanket off, stretching out before grabbing again "Harry, dear?" He called out "Yeah?" He called back "You have a weird boyfriend." Harry walked downstairs after closing his History exercise book, tucking his boyfriend in properly, rubbing his left arm softly as he kicked the blanket back off, sweat dripping down his forehead "Open your eyes, you're safe." His eyes shot open "What was your nightmare about?" He let out a soft sob, burying his face in the blanket and shook his head, burying his face deeper into the blanket. Harry kneeled beside him, rubbing his hand along his back as he began to calm down "I might head home for a bit. I need to speak to my dad, but I might break down as my mum's at work. So I was wandering if you could come?" "Of course I will, go and grab your bag and coat beautiful." He smiled as he got up, rushing upstairs "Harry!" "Yeah baby?" "I can't find the bathroom." Harry chuckled to himself, walking upstairs, holding out his hand as he took it.

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