Chapter 2

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I feel lost. It's been so many years since my parents died and my adoptive father brought me with him to the capital, I don't remember what am I supposed to do, so I decided to go for a walk.

I want to plan my revenge but I don't know where to start with. The emperor has so many eyes around me. If I become a general again, I can try to gather enough forces to kill him but how many innocent lives would be lost?

The emperor isn't a tyrant but he also isn't a good emperor. His father died when he was only 3 years old, and it was his mother who took control of the imperial power and he was just a figurehead sitting on an empty throne. When Empress Dowager finally died, the power went to the ministers and generals and he continued to be a powerless emperor.

I was walking around when I suddenly hear a scream. I follow the sound and I see a bunch of thugs beating a young boy in a dark alley.

I suddenly remember this scene. Many years ago, I was on my way to meet my adoptive father when I passed here and saw this scene. I saved the little boy and the boy wanted to follow me but my adoptive father said it would be better to find a family for the boy. Now I know, my adoptive father simply didn't want anyone following me who wasn't an emperor person.

-I will count to 3. If you all don't scram from here, you will be the ones who will be on the ground in pain - I said to them.

In my previous life, I beat them up but when growing up I learned that bullies are afraid of those who stand against them, so words would be enough. I'm used to death battles on the battlefield and I didn't want to end up killing one of them by accident.

They opened a path for me and I went to the young boy. When I was about to pick him up, the boy suddenly screamed: "Look out!" and I turned on time to avoid a blade coming for me and it only scratched me.

I kicked the blade out of the thug's hand and then the thugs ran away. Suddenly a shadow appeared at my front.

You are bleeding – Says a voice that I would never forget in my life.

I look up and see a pair of green eyes looking worried.

I totally forgot about this. This day was the first time I met the emperor even though I didn't know he was the emperor at the time. He appeared in my previous life after I beat those tugs.

He seemed strangely attached to me in my previous life and when my adoptive father found out about it, he sent me back to the countryside. Many years later I found out that the emperor liked to keep some male pets in the imperial palace as playthings without a title. By then I had already forgotten that the emperor used to look for me when I was younger.

I looked down so he wouldn't see me smiling. Male pets... I had no interest in men but what better way could I kill the emperor than being his male pet? No, killing him wouldn't be enough. I would make him lose what he valued the most.

I tried to recall what type the emperor seemed to like better but I wasn't an actor so acting out of myself wouldn't be a good option, plus, in my previous life, he seemed to be attracted by how I used to be, so I decided to be myself and ignored him and turned to check on the boy.

-Are you okay? - I asked.

-Yes – replied the boy.

-Don't the wounds hurt?

-It hurts.

-Then why do you say that you are okay? - I already knew his reply.

-Because I'm used to it.

-If you follow me then you won't get hurt again – I said.

The boy looked at me with hope and doubt in his eyes.

-Promise? - he asked while twisting in ragged clothes with his hands slightly trembling.

-I promise.

-My mother said a man has to always keep his promise.

I chuckled.

-Your mother is right. Talking about your mother, where is she?

-She died - replied the boy with sad eyes.

I patted his head while thinking in ways in how to keep the boy.

-You need to bandage the wound – said a voice behind me.

I smile. He didn't leave despite being ignored.

-I will bandage it when I get home – I replied.

-Do you live nearby?


-Then come to my house, which is only a few minutes away.

I pretended to be hesitant.

-Don't worry, I don't bite. - said the emperor.

Why do you want to help me? - I asked in a suspicious tone.

-Because you are bleeding and if you don't take care of the wound it will infect.

-Fine, I will go with you.

The emperor smiled at me. In court, he always had a serious face so I wasn't used to seeing his smiling face.

-Can the boy go with us? - I asked.


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