Chapter 11

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The eunuch announces the emperor and before I can even salute him, he hugs me. I stay stiff in his arms.

-Chang'er this emperor missed you.

I don't reply. He hugs me tighter.

-Really, really missed you.

-If Your Majesty missed this concubine, then why did Your Majesty not visit this concubine before?

He lets me go and looks at me.

-Is Chang'er mad at this emperor?

-This concubine doesn't dare.

-This emperor had to please the other concubines or else the ministers would keep complaining.

-Your Majesty doesn't need to explain to this concubine.

He hugs me again, bits my ear, and whispers:

-Please don't be mad at me Chang'er.

I'm surprised that he used me instead of this emperor and I feel goosebumps from the bite. Without thinking, I put my arms around him and hug him back.

I don't know how long did we stay like that. I could hear his heart beating faster and faster against my ear.

We look at each other and we both move, meeting halfway for a kiss. He lifts me up and carries me to the bed. We undress each other and I could feel his hunger for me. And I act as hungry as him. I tell myself that I'm only pretending, to please him.

I don't want to admit to myself that I missed him, missed his voice, his touch, his kisses...

Soon we reach the climax and after cleaning we fall asleep in each other arms.

The next day, before going to court, he tells me he is going to take me out to play. I guess this is his way to compensate me for one month of absence.

After court and paying respects to the empress, we eat together and leave the palace dressed in civilian clothes through a back door.

I remember the first time we went on a carriage together and that he hugged me. Maybe he remembers too because when we enter the carriage, he pulls me into his arms.

-Your Majesty.


-This concubine has a request – I say.

He looks at me, smiling.

-It's the first request Chang'er has done to me, this emperor will grant it.

-But I haven't told yet Your Majesty what this concubine wants.

-No matter what it is, it's granted.

-What if I want the stars in the sky?

-This emperor will pluck them for you.

I wonder what would he reply if I told him that I want his life.

-There are many orphans in the city. - I say.

-Sadly, that is true.

-Is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish.

-That's right.

-So, I was thinking of recruiting orphans and teaching them skills.

-My Chang'er is kind-hearted.

-But I can't leave the palace and I don't have money.

-I will instruct my men to gather orphans and I will give orders for Hai to be able to leave the palace and check on them. As for the money, don't worry about it. I will arrange for their accommodations and pay for teachers.

-Many thanks for Your Majesty's grace.

-As long as Chang'er is happy, no need to thank me - says he before kissing me.

-I feel that he doesn't want to give me permission to go out. I wonder why... Under his kisses, I get distracted and stop thinking about it

Suddenly there are shouts. Looks like we are being attacked by assassins. Again.

-Chang'er, you aren't allowed to protect this Emperor.


-No buts, it is an order.

I remain in silence. Should I kill him and make it look like it was the assassins? But it's still too soon, I haven't made him suffer yet.

Deep inside I don't want to make him suffer. But I have to.

An assassin suddenly opens the carriage door. Despite the emperor's orders, I'm ready to move and protect him but the assassin comes for me first. The emperor throws himself to protect me.

I see all red while rage burns in my veins.

He is mine.

Only I can kill him.

I was about to go kill the assassin when a shadow guard appears and starts fighting the assassin.

What was I doing? I almost let my cover go. I struggle to control myself.


-Your Majesty.

-Don't worry, I'm fine – he says but I see his pale face, he wasn't fine.

I hold him in my arms, carefully not touching the wound on his back.

I wasn't expecting him to protect me. It makes my heart waver and feel painful.

Why are you so good to me?

Why can't you be selfish and bad? 

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