Chapter 5

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The night was full of nightmares again.

In the afternoon I went to visit the little boy. A servant guided me into the little boy's room. It looked like the emperor wasn't home at the moment.

-How are you feeling? - I asked.

-I'm good thank you.

-Are they treating you well here?


-Do they feed you well?


-Do you like Young Master Qiao?

-Yes, he treats me well.

-Does he spend much time here?


-I see you are curious about me – said the emperor while entering.

I wasn't expecting him to show up. I decided to change the conversation before he asked me why was I interested in him.

-What is your name? I can't always call you little boy. - I asked.

-My name is Hai.

-Do you have a family name?

-What is that?

-Do you have another name besides Hai?

-I don't know, mother always called me Hai.

-I will send someone to investigate his name – said the emperor.

-Many thanks – I said.

The emperor chuckled.

-I'm going to check his name, not yours, why are you thanking me?

I didn't reply. The emperor kept looking at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

-Are you busy today? - He asked.


-Then why don't you stay for dinner?


-Do you play chess?


-Shall we play?


-You really like to give short answers.

I ignored him. We went to play chess. I hid my abilities because it would be strange if a boy like me would be too good at it.

We played until dinner time. Once more he pushed my chair, served me food and our fingers kept touching.

-The table is so big, why do you sit so close to me?

-So that I can give you food.

-I know how to serve food for myself.

-This is more fun.

I guess that as the emperor he found it funny to switch roles.

-Shall we go for a walk after dinner? - asked him.


The streets were full of people despite the late hour. Suddenly the emperor grabbed my hand.

I tried to take my hand away.

Today there's a festival, so there are many people around and I don't want you to get lost. - whispered him in my ear.

I felt goosebumps from his breath on my ear. The hand that was holding mine was warm.

We kept walking, sometimes checking what the vendors had to sell. The emperor kept asking if I wanted something but I said no. Despite my refusal, he ended up buying me several souvenirs.

It was strange to walk hand in hand with another man and some people looked at us shocked.

I hoped someone recognized the emperor. Wouldn't it be funny if a rumor spread that the emperor was a cut sleeve? By then he still didn't have any male pets in the palace, at least not known ones.

On the other side, years later he would have them so people would know he also liked men,  so what difference did it make if they found it out now?

We went to release lanterns in the river. What a childish thing to do. Suddenly, he caressed my cheek. I looked at him.

-You had something on your face.

-Should I thank you?

He chuckled.

We went to see fireworks and he put his arm around my waist. I decided that it would be good to not see him for a while, so after he send me home, when he asked me when would I go visit Hai again, I told him I didn't know.

This author has something to say:

I'm wondering if this chapter is too short. I'm not used to writing so it's hard for me to elaborate on the festival, my apologies and thank you for reading 😊 

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