Chapter 9

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I follow the head eunuch to the imperial palace. Concubines aren't allowed outside so unless the emperor really dotes on me, it's impossible for me to go out.

They take me to a palace that is obviously decorated for a woman.

My Lord, this place is only temporary. A new palace is being decorated under the emperor's orders. It's one of the best palaces and close to His Majesty palace – says the head eunuch.

-Please convene my thanks to His Majesty – I reply.

His Majesty will come later to visit you, my Lord can thank him in person – says the eunuch smiling.

Looks like he wants to spoil me.

I have several eunuchs attending me but strangely I don't see any maids. Is he afraid that I will go after the maids, I wonder.

When it's time for dinner a eunuch announces: "The emperor is here".

I salute him and he says it isn't needed and helps me get up. He sits and I don't know what to do. What is the protocol when the emperor eats? Do the concubines sit? Or do they stand and serve him?

-You may all leave – says the emperor. After they leave, he turns to me: "Sit and eat with this emperor."

-I wanted you here as fast as possible so your palace isn't ready yet – he says.

-Many thanks for your grace, Your Majesty.

-No need to thank me. This emperor wants to give you the best.

I avoid his gaze and I wanted to serve him food. He stops me and serves me food instead. Looks like he still likes to feed me.

-Your Majesty, I don't know the concubine's protocol.

-This emperor will send someone to teach you.

-Many thanks, Your Majesty.

-Now that you are here, what do you plan to do during the day?

-This concubine doesn't know if it's allowed to practice martial arts.

-You can. What else would you plan to do?

-Nothing, Your Majesty.

-Would you like to study?


-Yes. You can't become a general or an official now that you entered the palace but you can still study the subjects.

-This concubine thanks his Majesty's grace.

-If you want to thank this emperor, why don't you kiss this emperor?

-Your Majesty, this concubine doesn't feel ready to... Serve Your Majesty in bed.

-No need to worry, you can take your time. There are things we can do without going until the end.

I remember the books I read and blush.

-This emperor is still waiting for his kiss – he says smiling.

I kiss him and sometime after he carries me to bed and starts undressing me while covering my body in kisses.

Chang'er - he whispers in my ear.

I was afraid that I wouldn't have any reaction to his touch and that he would notice that I don't like him but surprisingly my body soon reacts to his touch. I feel guilty because his touch gives me pleasure and I want to get away from him but I can't. I must endure it.

After we both reached the climax, we go sleep with him hugging me in his arms.

I look at him while he sleeps. A part of me wishes that we could have met in different circumstances.

The next day I wake up when he gets up to go to court. He tells me to go back to sleep but I first help him to get dressed. I was going back to bed but then I remembered the concubines are supposed to go pay their respects to the empress and I don't know at what time I'm supposed to go.

When the time comes, I go to greet the empress.

The room is full of women and the smell of make-up and perfume. They look at me with disgust in their eyes but I ignore it and kneel and greet the empress. She doesn't tell me to get up. It's not hard for me to kneel since I practice martial arts so I remain in the position.

Sometime after she speaks: "Raise your head and let me see how this empress's new sister looks like."

I look up and see a pair of black eyes staring at me with disdain and a mocking smile on her face.

-So pretty. No wonder the emperor took a fancy for you – she says.

-Many thanks to your Highness for the praise – I reply.

- This empress sees that you are also sharp-tongued. Here is a welcome gift. Work hard to please the emperor.

A maid carries a tray with a floral hairpin, obviously made for a woman. She really wants to humiliate me but this is nothing for me. I thank her and remain kneeling in silence.

I don't know how long did I kneeled but I could start to feel my legs going numb so it must have been a long time. Finally, she tells me to get up and sends us all away.

I ignore the concubines lower rank than me who try to talk to me and go back to the palace where I stay.

Sometime after the head eunuch come with rewards that the emperor bestowed upon me, a male hairpin and ointment included.

Looks like he already knew what happened today.

Later he came to me and we had dinner together again. After dinner, we went to bed to play and he made me sit and kneeled in front of me. I was confused until he started using his mouth on me.

I felt a strange feeling inside me, seeing the almighty emperor on his knees in front of me serving me with his mouth.

After we finished, he whispered in my ear: "This emperor can't stop you from kneeling to others but this emperor will only kneel for you."

My heart skipped a beat.

The next day I had to go pay respects to the empress again. I have the hairpin that the emperor bestowed upon me on my hair and the empress and concubines looked at me with anger in their eyes. The silent message was clear.

I don't pay attention to what they talk about. I have no interest in women's talk.

This time when we are done the concubines ignore me.

That night the emperor tells me he doesn't want to hurt me when I'm ready to be with him and so he starts preparing me for it. It's a strange feeling.

Since the emperor spent the night with me 3 days in a row, the concubines complain to their families that I'm selfish and don't know how to share the rain and dew.

The next day the emperor doesn't come. 

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