Chapter 6

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Two weeks passed and I didn't go to visit Hai.

I focused on training my martial arts and reading books about love between men.

I heard about it before in my previous life but I was never interested in it so I wasn't sure how it worked and I wanted to be prepared for what was going to happen.

After starting to read I really wanted to stop but I had to continue so I kept reading and reading and reading.

There was no way that the emperor would let a man do it to him so I would have to sacrifice myself to be the one being eaten.

I was reading one of those books when a maid came and announced that I had a visitor. I asked who was and the maid said it was Young Master Qiao.

I smiled. He finally came looking for me.

I went to the visitor's room to receive him. Those green eyes greeted me with affection.

-Hello Young Master Qiao, how are you?

-I've been better. And how are you, Chang?

-I'm fine.

-Why haven't you come to visit me again?

-I've been busy.

-Busy with what?


-Reading what?

I couldn't stop myself from blushing when I remembered what I've been reading and that one day I would do with him and I quickly changed the subject.

-How is Hai?

-If you want to know how he is, why don't you visit him?

-That's your house, it's not convenient to always go visit it.

-You've always welcomed Chang.

-I will keep that in mind.

-Are you busy now?


-Would you like to go for a walk?


We went into his carriage and kept chatting during the way. I had no idea where he was taking me.

-Where are we going?

-It's a surprise.

The carriage bumped into something and I ended up being thrown in his arms.

Instead of letting me go, he hugged me.

-The road is dangerous, stay like this.

I haven't hugged anyone since my family died. I haven't hugged my wife or concubines because my heart was too cold to give affection to someone, so it was a strange sensation having someone hugging me. Maybe it would feel good if it wasn't for the fact that he...

Suddenly we stopped and there were noises outside.


-Protect the Young Master!

I could hear the noises of fighting outside. I knew the emperor had his secret guards besides having his guards so I wasn't worried about someone taking his life before I did it but suddenly, I heard the sound of an arrow coming. Without thinking twice, I pulled the emperor and the arrow ended up hitting me instead of him. Before everything become blurred, I saw a panicked expression on his face.

It made me want to laugh. Your Majesty, you should pray that this arrow takes my life, or else I will take yours one day.

-Kill them all, leave none alive - I heard the emperor say.

Foolish emperor, why aren't you capturing at least one alive to find out who sent them?

-Summon an imperial physician – ordered him.

After that, I don't know what happened because I fainted.

This author says:

I'm not good with fighting scenes so this chapter is even shorter:s 

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