Chapter 8

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Today was the day that I was supposed to go back home. I was waiting for the emperor to come to say goodbye to him.

When he arrived, he paused at the door, looked at me, and smiled.

Lately, I've been wondering why is his smile so pretty. And I wonder why do I think that a man's smile is pretty.


-This lowly one greets Your Majesty – I kneel to salute him.

-No need for formalities – says he while helping me get up, his warm hands on my arms. - Let's sit and talk.

I feel puzzled but I obey and we sit on the bedside by side and his finger plays with mine.

-Did you decide what you want as your reward?

-This lowly one doesn't want anything, Your Majesty.

-Your father is a general. Would you like to follow his steps and go into the army? I can arrange a position for you.

-No, Your Majesty. This lowly one doesn't wish to follow my father's steps.

-Don't call yourself this way. Would you like to be a minister? After taking the imperial exam I can arrange a good position for you.

-No, Your Majesty.

-Are you perhaps thinking of being a merchant? I can set up a business for you.

-No, Your Majesty, I have no desire to do business.

-Then what do you want to be? A farmer?

-No, Your Majesty.

-Then what are you going to do with your life?

-I don't know yet Your Majesty.

-This emperor said that this emperor would reward you and this emperor can't take his word back, so what should this emperor give to you?

-I don't need anything, Your Majesty.

-Not many would refuse such a great opportunity. Chang'er, is not every day that you can save the ruler of the nation, why don't you grab the chance?

-I didn't save you because you are the ruler of the nation, Your Majesty.

He chuckles then his hand covers mine.

-Chang'er what if this emperor wants you to stay by his side? Would you stay?

I look down.

-Your Majesty is the ruler and this lowly one is the subject and the subject must obey the ruler.

-Would you like to be with me?

-I don't know.

-Would you dislike being with me?


His eyes shine when he hears my reply.

-Chang'er, if you don't dislike being with me that means you like being with me.


I look down again. He caresses my cheek and lifts my chin. I look into his eyes. He slowly approaches me, as if testing my reaction. I stand still and keep looking at him. He approaches more and more and I close my eyes, then I feel the soft touch of his lips on mine.

I open my eyes again when I feel him backing down.

-Chang'er did you dislike it?

I look at him. For some reason, I feel my heart beating fast. Without thinking I end up kissing him back.

The first kiss was just a touch of lips but this one is different. I feel like the emperor is a thirsty man who finally could drink water as he devours my mouth and his tongue dances with mine.

I kissed my wife and concubines so I should be used to kissing but this feels somehow different.

I start regretting that I kissed him back, what if he wants more than a kiss? Should I stop him? Men don't like easy women, but what about other men?

Sometime after he stops kissing me and looks at me. I can't look him in the eyes because I feel strange about the kiss and I ended up looking down.

He chuckles and pets my head.

-Soon you will receive notices from this emperor– says he before kissing my forehead and leaving.

I guess soon I will be picked to be his first male pet. A plaything without any status. Just the thought of it is humiliating but I must do it for my revenge.

I go back to my adoptive father's house and the next day a decree arrives.

I'm shocked that the emperor sent an edict for a male pet to enter the palace. I wonder if he knows how humiliating it is.

We all kneel, waiting for the head eunuch to read the decree

"Name Chang surname Zang is noble and virtuous, brave and pure-hearted. He saved the emperor's life and His Majesty feels touched by his kindness so he confers him as Imperial Concubine with the title Wei. Imperial Concubine Wei shall enter the palace to serve the emperor."

-Thank you for your grace Your Majesty – I say while kowtowing, which hides my shock and smile. So, this was the emperor's reward for me. With power, it would help me with my revenge. I wasn't expecting this and ironically, I receive the same title as my father received in my previous life.

My adoptive father is shocked but we don't have time to talk. I thought it would take me a few days to go to the palace so I didn't tell him anything.

He hugs me and whispers in my ear "I will get you out somehow". He doesn't know that I don't want to come out. 

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