Chapter 13

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Two years have passed.

The emperor dotes on me, visiting one or two times a week. I know he would come every day if he could.

My status as his favorite concubine is solid. I have several lower rank concubines at my back and call.

Hai is growing up and the group of orphans is being well trained. The emperor often takes me to visit them. But he never gave me permission to go out by myself. Neither I ask him for it.

Prince Gui and princess Ai often visit me. The noble consort tried to forbid them from it but they went to complain to the emperor and the emperor gave them permission.

I feel suffocated. I want revenge. I must avenge my family.

No matter what I feel.

I remember that night one year ago when I almost killed the emperor in his sleep. I was having nightmares about my family and I felt my mind going crazy.

But in the end, I couldn't kill him.

I will kill him.

I just don't know when.

And then the time to kill him came. When I found out that the noble consort is pregnant.

I felt the world-shattering. I knew he slept with others on the days he didn't visit me. But I refused to think of it.

But knowing that one of them was pregnant was too much for me.

Imagining him kissing and hugging and touching another woman was driving me nuts.

I was planning how to kill him when a eunuch suddenly came and told me that the noble consort suffered a miscarriage and that I was being called.

I arrived and the empress ordered me to kneel. Puzzled, I had to obey, no matter how much the emperor dotes on me, I still must respect the ranks and obey the empress.

-Isn't it enough for you to be the emperor's favorite consort? Is it because you can't have children that you don't want others to have them? - asked the empress.

-Your Highness, are you saying that I have something to do with the noble consort miscarriage?

-Don't try to deny it. The maid already confessed that it was you.

-Your Highness since I am a man and I can't have children to strike for power why would I do that?

The empress was about to speak when a eunuch announced that the emperor arrived. We all saluted him.

-Consort Wei, you can get up.

I thanked him and I got up.

-Your Majesty he is guilty – said the empress.

-According to who? - said the emperor.

-This maid confessed everything, Your Majesty.

He looked to the maid.

-If you tell the truth, you die and your family lives. If you lie, you and your family all die – says the emperor in a cold voice.

I looked to the emperor. I never saw him being so cold before, not even in my previous life.

Please spare my family, Your Majesty. It was the noble consort who ordered this servant to do it. She threatened to kill this servant's family if this servant didn't obey her.

-Noble Consort! - He shouts.

The noble consort weakly gets up from the bed and kneels on the floor.

-Your Majesty, the maid is lying, why would I harm my own child?

-Why would you do it, both you and I know pretty well why. Convene my orders. The noble consort harmed the royal unborn child, she is unfitting for her position. She is demoted to  second-class attendant and is to be sent to the cold palace.

-Please, Your Majesty, this concubine doesn't dare to do it again, please...

-Men, take her away! - shouts the emperor.

The noble consort, now second attendant is dragged away while screaming until one someone covers her mouth.

-Your Majesty, what about the prince and princess? Now that their mother was taken away they need someone to look after them. How about this empress...

-They get along well with consort Wei. They will move and live with him.

-Your Majesty, you can't, the children have a high status and consort Wei status...

-Enough! Remember your place and who is the master here empress. Consort Wei doesn't have status? Then from now on, he is promoted to noble consort Wei.

Everyone was in shock with the sudden promotion.

-But Your Majesty... - tried to say the empress.

-Isn't it good enough? Shall I promote him to imperial noble consort then?

The empress was shocked. Imperial noble consort was only used when the empress was sick and couldn't take care of the harem. Was the emperor cursing her to be sick?

-Noble consort Wei is perfect, perfect Your Majesty. - she said quickly.

The emperor told me to follow him and left.

I was happy that he believed in me without even asking me if I was guilty but I was still mad that he got the previous noble consort pregnant.

-Chang'er this emperor...

-This concubine is not feeling well. May Your Majesty find another concubine to spend the time with.

-Are you mad at me?

-Why would this concubine be mad? You are the ruler of the country with lots of concubines, you can spread your seed as much as you want. It has nothing to do with me.

-Chang'er I...

-Please leave Your Majesty.

He kneels in front of me and grabs my hands.

-What are you doing Your Majesty? You are the country ruler, what if someone sees you?

-I won't get up until you listen to me Chang'er.

-Fine, I will listen, now get up.

He gets up and we both sit but he doesn't let my hands go.

-The child wasn't mine, Chang'er.

I look to him in doubt.

-How can you be sure of it?

-Because I haven't touched the noble consort in a long time.


-Silly, why else if not because of you? I love you Chang'er and I only want you.

My heart skips a beat.

-What about the other concubines? You also don't touch them?

-Of course not.

I feel relieved like a weight gets out of my chest. But at the same time, I feel bad. I wished he would sleep with them and give me a reason to kill him.

-Why don't you feel happy? Do you want this emperor to sleep with them? - he asks.

I don't reply. I don't know what to say, so I just kiss him. He kisses me both and soon we are out of breath. Is still daylight outside but I don't care. I need him inside me, now. I need his touch to make me forget what I must do. 

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