Chapter 3

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The emperor didn't lie, we soon arrived in front of an elegant house. The emperor invited us in and arranged for a maid to escort the boy to take a bath.

-Take out your clothes – said the emperor.

I stiffed. Did he want to eat me already? Was that the reason why he brought me here and sent the boy away?

The emperor must have noticed my expression: "What are you thinking? How do you expect me to clean your wound if you don't undress?"

-Oh, that's right, the wound. I totally forgot about that.

-Aren't you going to call for a doctor? - I asked.

-The more we wait, the higher the chances of the wound getting infected.

I nodded and started taking out my clothes.

-Are you going to keep staring at me while I undress?

-Oh, my apologies, I didn't intend to stare. I was just surprised because you look so slim, but you have muscles under your clothes. - said the emperor with a hot stare while approaching me.

It was the first time someone looked at me with that kind of stare, my wife and concubines were always shy and avoided looking at me, so despite being an old man inside, I felt my face starting to blush.

I took a step back.

-How can I attend to your wound if you keep retreating?

I wasn't going to admit that I forgot about the wound again. Well, after all, I used to be a general. In the army, you get used to suffering from wounds so you become familiar with pain.

The emperor gestured me to sit and started cleaning my wound carefully.

I looked to those fingers that stamped the edict that killed my family. How I wished I could cut them.

- I know it hurts but you must endure it - said the emperor in a gentle voice.

He must have thought my expression changed because of the pain. I struggle to not let any killing intent out while I feel the hate consuming me.

It's nothing - I replied.

Soon the wound was cleaned and bandaged. I got up and gave the emperor a slight bow.

-Many thanks for your assistance. I'm not sure how should I address you.

-You can call me Qiao.

I bowed again.

-Many thanks to Young Master Qiao.

-You can call me just Qiao.

-This one doesn't dare.

The emperor chuckled.

-And you? What should I call you?

-This one name is Zang Chang.

I notice a flash of surprise in his eyes. I failed to notice it on my previous life because I was too young to recognize expressions.

-I called a doctor to examine your little friend.

-Many thanks.

-What do you plan to do with him?

-Err.... - I still haven't thought about that.

-If you don't know what to do, why don't you let him stay here in my residence?

I smile. Good, in the future I would have a spy by the emperor's side.

-Wouldn't it be a bother to the Young Master?

-It's just another pair of chopsticks. I can afford it.

I bowed.

-Many thanks, Young Master.

-When you want to see the boy, feel free to stop by.


-No need to thank me again. If you want to thank me, why don't you treat me for dinner?

If people knew the mighty emperor of the nation was asking for someone to treat him for dinner they would laugh.

-When is best for your Young Master?


Anytime? Don't you have state affairs to deal with? - That's what I wanted to ask him.

-How about tomorrow?

-Why not today?

-Because I need to go meet my father.

-Who is your father?

I wanted to scream; you know well who my father is. But I kept it to myself.

-Major Zang.

-Oh, I heard of him. He is a brave major. You have a good father.

I felt like killing him right now. I had a good father, who you killed. When I was about to move, the noise of a maid coming in stopped me.

I came back to my senses. No, I can't kill him yet, it's too early, I need to make him suffer.

-This one must go now. Shall we meet tomorrow in the restaurant Mille Peach?

-That's perfect. See you tomorrow at lunchtime.

-Goodbye Young Master Qiao 

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